Challenge 2--Bonus 2--Two Heads are Better than One

Sep 02, 2008 00:46

We're halfway through the challenge, so it's time to get serious and really up the game. This week's rounds are dedicated to "power in numbers"--the importance of friendship, love, and having a safety partner (Don't laugh at that. My "first kiss" was from my kindergarten safety buddy. Having to hold hands while you walk down the treacherous school hallways really brings two people together).

As suggested by our friend
thracie, Bonus 2 is dedicated to our favorite Twilight Saga pairings.  Notice I said pairings, not couples.  You may icon any duo, whether it be based on love (Alice/Jasper), friendship (Jacob/Bella), or family (Bella/Charlie).  You'll also have the opportunity to celebrate both canon or non canon couples (I know there are a lot of Edward/Tanya fans out there). Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun spoilers are also now allowed. This should open up even more possibilities for you all.

So I hope you have a lot of fun with this round.  And remember--NO REMINDERS ARE GIVEN FOR BONUS ROUNDS. Good Luck!

General Rules:

1. All icons must be submitted to this post by SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. For our international participants who need help converting, try here.
2. You may submit up to TWO (2) icons total. Submit your icons as a comment to this post, as an img src and a url; all icons must meet LJ standards. Please try to keep you submitted icon under one post.
3. All textures, brushes, blending, stock, fan art (with artist's permission) and animation is allowed.
4. Do not post your entries anywhere until after the voting is over and the results have been announced. Do not submit a previously made icon. Do not submit an icon you yourself haven't made. Breaking any of these rules will get you disqualified.
5. Also, please post any questions concerning this round as a comment to this post. Comments are screened.
6. Participant's List, RANKINGS/POINTS, Resources, Suggestions, General Rules.

Bonus 2 Rules:

1. Your icon(s) must feature exactly two persons.
2. You may choose any models, actors, people to portray the characters.
3. Pairings may be canon, non canon, slash (keep it tasteful, though) and based on love, friendship or family.
4. Have fun!

Icons are due by Sunday, September 7 at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.


entries, challenge 2, bonus 2

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