Challenge 2--Round 3--Results

Aug 23, 2008 09:41

Well, this round really made things interesting.  We had our first Twiconathoner break the 100-point mark,  nearly everyone changed ranks, and some serious gaps were made as a few made it known to all that they want to be the overall winner.

Also, there was a record voting turnout again.  I'm so impressed with everyone's level of work this challenge, and it seems everyone else is, too!  Keep up the good work and make sure to not let the current top 5 get too comfortable!

♥ Makers are now free to post their Round 3 icons wherever they please. If you are interested in using an icon for your own personal use, please leave a comment on this thread asking for the maker's name so you can give proper credit.
Enter Round 4

Congrats to our Round 3 Winners! 
♥ Banner makers this week is
planetgal471 ♥

First place

Second Place
Third Place
Best Color

Best Crop
Most Creative
Mod's Choice


* I love everything about this icon: the crop, the textures, the pics, and especially the coloring.  It's really romantic.

Round 3 Voting Tallies
♥ To receive your reviews, please leave a comment listing your 
Icon Numbers (which can be found HERE). ♥
♥ Placement Points are only calculated into your score. ♥



17 points: 05
12 points: 41
11 points: 23
10 points: 33
09 points: 32
08 points: 24
07 points: 06
06 points: 15
04 points: 04, 31, 39
03 points: 02, 30
02 points: 01, 3, 4, 19, 37
01 point:  07, 27

04 points: 33
03 points: 02
02 points: 05, 24
01 point:  09, 17, 21, 22, 25, 30, 41



04 points: 34
02 points: 07, 29, 35
01 point:  02, 12, 19, 23, 24, 25, 37, 41

05 points: 32
02 points: 02, 20, 41
01 point:  06, 14, 15, 23, 24, 27, 33

Congrats to our current Challenge Top Five!
♥ For the complete rankings list, see here. ♥

1realdetective105 points2adair786 points3nyaza66 points4fanplastico63 points5sarahdoesdesign53 points

challenge 2, round 3, results

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