(no subject)

Jul 05, 2007 10:01

Okay, so, we've got a bunch of stories. And are missing a bunch of stories. And this is one of those challenges where the master list really can't go up until there are at least two stories per picture.

If you've told me you're going to be late, please attempt to get the stories in by tomorrow, or if you can't, let me know so I can get a back-up person.

If you HAVEN'T told me you're going to be late- which is to say, unless I'm missing something, sonneta, dday15, storydivagirl, wolfie, megthelegend, agno3singer, and 1407graymalkin- either comment here before, say, tonight is over, with whichever you're doing, or I'm taking you off the list and assuming you're defaulting out.

On the other hand, if you want to write backup? I'd love you forever. Email us at twicetold.fandom@gmail.com and we'll send you a picture.

(If you've already volunteered, you will get your picture by this afternoon. And also I love you a lot.)

I'm hoping we can get the stories up by sometime on Saturday, so. Confirming/denying here would be AWESOME.

(If it's absolutely necessary, I guess they can go up in waves? But, dude, seriously. Let's try for nowish, yes?)
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