Dec 17, 2011 21:29
How do you pick the right presents for people you know?
[Not just for Christmas. But also birthdays in the future, as well as other form of celebrations. Amane lacks the experience behind this, leaving her at a loss as the holiday draws closer.]
wat do,
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[There's a pause for a moment, and then...]
You didn't have much luck the other day?
Mm, yes. It's...a bit hard to choose. [Should she give him this thing? Or this other thing?]
I could try to help... [Sounds like maybe she's at least narrowed it down? :c]
[Having help would be nice, so...] It's...mostly Katsu. [IT IS HIM]
[...She remembers him. Knows him somewhat, though definitely not as well as Amane would have liked.]
Actually, my friend Maya told me about him. But...we've never actually met. Sorry...
[She's not expecting everyone to know him, but it's a little disappointing.]
It sounds like he means a lot to you. [If she was fretting enough to make a broadcast...]
[Not just because he's the Messiah. He's one of the few people she learn to trust, even when they're from different worlds.]
[What has he done? A casual question that escapes her lips before she even has a chance to ponder over it.
She wonders if it's really any of her business, but maybe she would have some ideas for presents upon being told.]
[She was vaguely aware whenever Remiel took over. But his actions and words helped cemented her trust in having Katsu as the Messiah.
Even if the Katsu she knows picked otherwise.]
...Sounds like someone else I know.
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