I've caught up to Season 4 - on Episode 8 now - and I think what infuriates me about this show is the untapped potential. You have some very talented actors with amazing chemistry (*COUGH BRADLEY/COLIN COUGH*) which is completely and horribly destroyed by horrible writing, plot, pacing and characterisation.
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I definitely think there has been progression of Arthur's relationship with Merlin, especially in the personal/trust area. Like yes, Arthur definitely relies on Merlin for emotional support and grows to value Merlin's input and trust in Merlin's loyalty (when he's not being a clotpole). I think that's the glue of the story, so definitely I think Arthur totally trusts Merlin in that regard.
But yeah, like you said Merlin holds the development back because he does all these bizarre things and he can't explain why or tell Arthur he 'betrays' him because of magic.
I guess what I'm getting at is that Arthur never completely appreciated (or got a chance to appreciate) that here was Emrys, you know, the most powerful wizard ever, dragonlord, full of old religion powers and capable of killing Nimueh and all that's ever threatened Camelot with a single lightning bolt (not...really, but maybe!)...and he chose to live his whole life as Arthur's manservant and serve and die with Arthur (and asked for no credit, no recognition, no glory for himself).
I wanted Arthur to realise just how capable Merlin was, and realise, knowing all that, that Merlin would've given all that up to keep him alive (and nearly did, so many times). Because that's some powerful love and loyalty. And Arthur glimpsed that at the end, but I wish he had longer to let all of that sink in.
Oh man, "Arthur already knows" is my headcanon and I definitely think the show could have taken it in that direction, especially since they had SO MUCH TIME to work with it...they could've passed it off as 'it was our plan all along!' and no one would have been any wiser because it would've actually been believable (which makes me infinitely more annoyed they didn't)
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