Oct 17, 2005 13:38
a brief recap of my monday so far...
i woke up to the sounds of the fire alarm which can be rather annoying. :-/
went to the student union building with katy to do laundry... the dryers weren't working...
therefore, katy and i went to LEE House and had a really nice housekeeper let us in and open the laundry room for us! the room was far nicer then the student union building and we were able to sit on a comfy couch while our laundry was running. i read the rest of Henry the V by Shakespeare and Katy read more of Jane Eyre.
after spending £2,40 on my laundry, i made lunch (found my bread was moldy) - pb&j with a salad
I asked katy to pick up for me a more expensive loaf of bread in hopes it wouldn't mold so quickly.
I moseeed on over to the LRC to read emails and journals...
now, its off to SHAKESPEARE class (2-5pm).
Enjoy your day and God bless!