Jul 28, 2011 21:36
...given the name of my blog, but I don't view "immigrant" as a slur.
If you use it against me as one, I will very likely point and laugh.
In fact, I may well invite others to point and laugh, because you will be a Very Silly Person Indeed, and will have done something truly worthy of epic mocking.
For the dreadfully-slow-to-notice-the-point:
I am proud of being an immigrant. In both senses that I mean that self-label, I am proud.
I'm proud of being Canadian, I'm proud of having learnt French, because mon Canada inclut le Québec, et les autres francophones canadien(ne)s.
I'm proud of being English, too.
I'm proud of being a woman, and of the sometimes-difficult journey I've had to be accepted as one.
"Bloody immigrant?" Too right I am.
Wanna make something of it?
(cause I need a good laugh)