Jan 13, 2005 17:29
So the day...started pretty well...I got more sleep than normally... The homework that I turned in pretty much sucked ass though I guess not as many error's as I thought there would be. Best way to learn is through mistakes. We also had a little test which I also did better on then I thought I might...Anyway...extra homework but it's good for me because it give me practice. Then it was off to work. Long day...I got there and only three of eight were asleep...relatively normal except that they were all over the place and people who shold be helping with that were just sitting doing other things. They really need a consistent teacher. I'm out of there one week as of tomorrow and they just let the parents know today that they were looking for a teacher to replace the last two that have left. Rough. Anyway...I struggled with the kids for a while and worked with one little boy who's great but not used to being there in the afternoons so he was crying most of nap while I held him and dealt with the rest of the group. Needless to say I'm taking the teacher role the next week so I sat all the trouble makers down after nap and had a long(for three year olds two minutes is long) talk about nap time and listening. They were much better the rest of the day for the most part. Then I came back home picking up some oranges and water on the way and came home to a wonderful surprise call from nagymami..We talked for a little bit and now I'm taking care of this. Going to order pizza tonight because A)To lazy to cook and B) not much to cook. Imre's harder to work with on this than Charstie because honestly I don't really need to eat much at all but he does and we're trading off so I'll suck it up anyway. I guess that the rest of my day should go well. I'm going to study a lot and try and relax a lot more. Only twenty of six and since we're ordering pizza I can start studying earlier and then maybe watch part of the Apple Keynote Presentation. Well...now I guess that this is the perfect end to the day. At least the guy that came down to tell me that I had to go see about paying for my room was really nice. He knew some english and said "Don't shoot the messenger" which was funny. Can't be frustrated with him. Anyway. I'm going to go rest for a while until the pizza arrives and then try and eat and study. So tired I am. Maybe I'll just try and finish studying now and go to bed really really really early and maybe if I lay down at 9 I'll be asleep by 12. Anyway.