Kittens and bunnies and sunshine

Nov 07, 2011 01:45


It’s my first time posting here. Over the last couple of days I’ve had a beloved old cat die and been to a really good family friend’s funeral and I desperately need FLUFF fast.

I’m talking fluffy puppies riding on sparkling rainbows of joy and goodwill to all creatures fluff with absolutely no angst or foreshadowing or any kind. Humour fics are good as well. Mostly I want Jack/Ianto but Tosh/Owen is good too or a really nice team fic would be lovely as long as it’s all happy and as long as there’s no Jack/Gwen whatsoever and nothing post Exit Wounds.

So if you could link me the fics that put a smile on your dial I’d be much obliged.

category: jack/ianto relationship, genre: fluff

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