LF Not Quite Human Ianto

Aug 02, 2011 23:53


I'm new to Torchwood fandom and found my way over here from Torchwood Story Finder. :)

Anywho. I was wondering if I could get some reqs of fics where Ianto is not quite human. I'll take anything: alien, supernatural/fantasy creature, etc.

And/or fics where Ianto has abilities beyond what humans can do (psychic powers/skills).

Any length, rating, or warning are welcome.

Self pimps, and slash of the Janto variety are most welcome.

Thanks so much.

ianto: empath ianto, ianto: timelord ianto, ianto: vampire ianto, ianto: werewolf ianto, ianto: alien ianto, ianto: not human, ianto: angel ianto

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