so this have kinda sucked lately.
but last night was freaking amazing.
so me & jessica went up to chico to see fall out boy.
we didn't have tickets & it was a sold out show.
but it is us we're talking about,
so of course we got in for free.
and we did hang out backstage with the boys
in fall out boy and panic! at the disco.
i'd have to say it was a pretty sweet night.
until i got a speeding ticket.
then my life got shot to hell.
but interesting enough, im not that upset?
we just got in for free & we were excited.
out of all the people to get a picture with, why i got one with joe again, i dont know.
excited after faces!
in other news,
ive given up on a lot of things.
im sorry im so lost right now.
im sorry i've lost interest in things.
thomas is probably my new best friend.
i love talking to him more than i can explain.
xTooLateTomorrow: you're great...haha
xTooLateTomorrow: you're sweet
yeah, he just makes me smile.
and we have the same ringtone.
i think i may update this more tomorrow.
and change some things.
until then,
remember that life is beautiful even when things suck.