Mostly, this entry is about my birthday, which has now slipped by for another year. The thoughts, I can limit to two and quickly dispense with:
1) George Lopez's comedy irritates the hell out of me.
2) I have got to make myself sit down and concentrate on writing up how I'd conquer the world with a PhD.
Anyway, birthdays.
I'm well past the age where I ought to measure how good a birthday is by how much swag I walked away with, but my chronological age has outpaced my emotional maturity, clearly.
- The Invincible Iron Man comic collection on DVD, the entire run from the first appearance through about 2006.
- The Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer collection on DVD, again representing the entire runs of both comics series through about 2006.
- Soon I Will Be Invincible, by Austin Grossman. If you're a fan of superheroic anything, read this book. Told half from the point of view of a supervillain and half from the perspective of a newbie member of an established superteam, Grossman does a very good job of making you really feel for the characters. The two voices are believable, and as for what happens, I'll simply say that if you catch yourself thinking you're catching an evil genius making a childish mistake or three, just remember that even diabolical masterminds are still human. It probably surprises no one that I empathized with the villain of the piece; I suspect I'd make his same mistakes, even if I were possessed by a 300 IQ, as is the villainous Doctor Impossible.
- God Is Not Great, by Christopher Hitchens. I haven't actually received this yet, but it'll get here when it gets here. The Amazon precis and reviews looked fascinating, which is how it ended up on my wish list.
- A pair of Crocs Caymans in black, which have yet to arrive. It's getting towards the hot season again, and I'm hoping that my feet will appreciate these shoes. In my younger days, I wore sandals rather than shoes at all times. I'm hoping I'll enjoy these. I'll review them once I've broken them in sufficiently.
- Dinner at Hoffbrau Steakhouse, and thank you again, David.
- Good company and many well-wishes, you know whom you all are.
- And then there's this, which has not arrived yet. Little known fact about your Traveler: I used to draw in almost all my spare time. I was rarely far away from the tools of the medium; pencils, pens, markers, crayons, and paper. You don't want to imagine how much paper I wasted drawing on it, over the years. One day, and I cannot tell you when or why, I noticed that I hadn't drawn anything in months. I could not remember the last time I'd drawn something. It bothered me just long enough for whatever mania had currently possessed me to kick back in, and then it was back to being just another memory. I'm curious to see if I can get back into the swing of drawing by using a stylus and electronic pad. Easier error correction and no wasted paper appeal to me, and seem to help me conquer the tyranny of the blank page.
The one thing I would have wished for couldn't have come true yet, so I'm not going to bother being sorry for that. There's time.
So, anyway, it was a fine day, quite enjoyable. The age of 32 was a good year of my life, subjectively speaking, and I hope 33 is at least equally pleasant, if not more so.