Okay, if you have not been watching TV, you may have missed this one. Dominoes is now advertising a dessert pizza. $4.00 with any other order can get you an Oreo pizza. You heard me. Oreo pizza.
Looking at this, I am left with the sense that Dominoes needs to stop filling out their focus groups with homeless mental patients.
"Look at me, Dominoes. Shoeless Eddie tells ya what to make. You make a pizza outta Oreos, I eat that all day. I loves me some Oreos. I eats Oreos on anything. You drop a whole bagga Oreos inna dumpster, I pick through that dumpster with a smile. Here you do now: take a big ass thin crust like a tortilla. You take a bagga Oreos and just step onem widda combat boots. Smusha cruncha. Thems you put onna crust. Pour over all that a big bottle of Kayopectate and I eat that all day. Wash it down with Cranberry Pepto Bismol, don' care iffa CIA reads my thoughts, all they hear is Oreos and Dominoes. Now where my ten bucks?"
There. That should fulfill my political incorrectness quota for the month. Meanwhile, you
look at that commercial and tell me I haven't called it right. Warning: that link opens a video of insidious... well, okay, inventive... no, well, fine, utterly stupid advertising.