Anyone who reads my journal is probably waiting to see what I'll say about
the death today of Jerry Falwell. It might surprise some of you that I'm not rejoicing, exactly.
I'm glad he's gone from this mortal stage, yes. He did a lot of things in this life he just left, and whether they were good or bad is all a matter of perspective. He contributed to the misery of a lot of my friends. He fostered legislation and candidates intended to enshrine his religious views in civil stone. Personally, I am glad he cannot add further to his works, as I have opposed them on several grounds.
Either he did what he did because he thought he was doing the work and will of his Lord, defined in his perspective as "good," or he was out for personal power and to make his way the highway, so to speak, personal gain, fortune and glory. If the former, I can admire his success just as I despise the results. If the latter, he is no more or less than one more Ken Lay, though perhaps more careful than the CEOs of that breed in that he rarely got caught. Falwell seemed to understand the concept that you cannot unring a bell; he would say something, lay out what he honestly believed, and then shortly thereafter apologize to those he'd offended. He never apologized for believing what he said, just for causing offense. He was a hypocrite at the least and a master manipulator at best. If we are lucky, history will remember him as was Ozymandias in the poem: not at all, aside from perhaps a minor footnote. I doubt society is so blessed, and that is partly why I am not rejoicing. Nature abhors a vacuum; power, even moreso. Someone will rise up to take his place. Again, if we are lucky, that person will be a reformer and will use Falwell's organization to repair some of the damage he did to society. Again, I doubt we are going to be so fortunate. If you believe good things always come from the fall of a vile autocrat, I direct your attention to Iraq.
As for Falwell himself... no one knows what happens when we cross over into death. There are plenty of beliefs, sure, as many different opinions on what comes next as there are voices to speak them. No one has sure knowledge, though. I have my beliefs, and I have my reasons for thinking I am right, but no compelling evidence to give in convincing others that my view is the clear one. That being said, if what I think is happening to Falwell right about now is happening, he is in for a world of surprise... and is begging forgiveness right now for all the misery he has caused. Not because he's being punished, no; it is because he is finally seeing all the consequences of his actions, seeing clearly for the first time all the lives he touched, and how he touched them. He will beg for a chance to work to make it right, and maybe he will get that chance.
In any event, what happens to him now is not our concern. We the living have an opportunity to go on without him and his toxic views on what makes right and wrong for society. I hope we are strong enough and wise enough to take this chance we are given.
I doubt we will be so fortunate. (sigh)