What you have is the opposite of that.

Nov 28, 2006 07:55

Was a student expelled from his art school for being an atheist or for being a jerk? That is indeed the question in this article, but not what I want to point out just now.

Quoting school president Dr. Steven Goldman on whether or not the school has any policies on what can or cannot be discussed outside of class time:
"We have an academic community in which people are free to explore ideas."

No. No, you don't. You have an academic institution where people need to be careful what they say and to whom they speak. You have proven this by allowing a citizen of the Disunited States of the Offended to make a stink and get taken seriously. Her feelings were hurt? Her position was challenged? Yeah, see, that's what can happen when everyone is actually free to explore ideas. Differing opinions get aired and existing ones get tested. She didn't like what the other guy had to say and so she bitched to a teacher? The moment you have an academic administration take that seriously, you no longer have any kind of free or academic atmosphere. You have a collegiate atmosphere, perhaps, but no one ever claimed that there was a necessary correlation between real academic endeavor and being a college.

We live in a society where the loudest opinion counts for more than the simplest fact. Explain to me (quietly) how that is a good thing.

opinions, intolerance, idiocy, interaction

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