I said this as a comment to someone else's journal, but I'm reposting it here, sans context, for two reasons. Firstly, I think it stands alone. Secondly, I want to remember that I said it.
Lives are never wasted. They can be spent harshly. They can be expended for reasons one might call "unnecessary," "pointless," or perhaps even as part of another's downright evil purpose. They cannot be wasted, though. We do not live our lives for our own pleasure. We do not live our lives without a purpose, either. Our pleasures and our pains are part of something far greater. We touch one another, we affect each other's lives as part of that greater experience.
None of us die alone. By the Styx, I swear that.
There is meaning to what we do, and in how we pass. Some lives end the way they do to ensure that we remember that lives are not lived in vain.
Life is not easy. It is not meant to be. We learn nothing from the easy times.
You have no reason to trust my perception or my statements over your own perceptions or beliefs. Neither have I any reason to trust your perceptions or beliefs over my own. You see terrible times ahead of us. I see life. You see pain. I see life. We both see things because we are meant to see them in these ways.
Life goes on. So mote it be.