[Fic] "Tabooty"

Mar 06, 2010 20:50

Title: "Tabooty"
Author: mikan_bara
Rating: T
Pairing: Josh/Neku
Words: 1063
Summary: Sho's back, and with another plan. Will it work better than the last one?
Warnings: Spoilers
Author Notes: This is my first time posting to this community! :D lol.

“You can’t avoid the inevitable, Boss,” said Sanae Hanekoma from behind the counter of his totally hip, cool, and cherry café… that was completely empty if you didn’t count Joshua.

“For the last time Sanae, NO.” Joshua sighed. “And you don’t really expect me to pay for this coffee, do you?”

“Of course I do Boss. I hav’ta make a living somehow.” Sanae chuckled. Joshua sighed again, but more dramatically this time, and fished out the money from his pocket and placed it onto the counter. With a maniacal gleam in his eye, Sanae swooped down like a bird of prey and quickly snatched the money from the counter, stuffing the wad of bills into his pocket. “Hey, I made record time! Here’s your coffee, Boss.”

“You scare me sometimes, Sanae.” Joshua picked up the coffee with both hands and took a sip, only to spit it out again and gag. “What in the world did you put in that coffee?!”

“It was a new recipe. And this was a new shirt too.” Sanae grumbled, wiping coffee from his soaked shirt.

“Just think that it’s been blessed by Jesus.” Joshua snickered.

“So in other words, the stain will never come out,” the barista muttered. “Well… couldn’t you at least CONSIDER getting a new conductor?” came another fruitless attempt of convincing the other. Joshua looked up at him with raised eyebrows.

“I’m doing quite well without one, thank you for asking. The one I want would balk at the job offer.”

“Who, Phones? Sheesh Boss, you must be a real masochist.” Sanae slapped a hand to his face to remember that it was covered with coffee. Joshua giggled.

“On the contrary,” he stood up, making a show of it. “I’m a bit of a sadist~” Sanae rolled his eyes at this. Joshua smirked and walked over to the doorway. “Oh, and Sanae?”

“Yes Boss?” Sanae asked, a little hesitant about hearing what Joshua wanted this time.

“I’ll be checking to make sure there aren’t anymore of Minamimoto’s taboo sigils. Be sure to tell me if you see any. Or if you made any.” Joshua waved and exited. Sanae sighed as he started to wipe the counter.

“He sure knows how to rub it in, doesn’t he?”

Neku sprinted past Shibu Q-Heads as fast as his legs could carry him. Really, he couldn’t remember running like this since the game. He glanced behind him and slowed to a stop by the Wild Boar store, seeing that a certain blonde skater wasn’t furiously chasing him anymore. Neku gulped for air.

Note to self: Don’t arm wrestle Beat whenever a bowl of curry is within a 5-foot radius.

Neku wished he had known this earlier, so he could have forced himself to put up with Beat’s nagging instead of accidentally spilling Beat’s favorite dish all over the skater’s lap. Neku quickly looked around the area again, just to be safe. Wiping some sweat off of his forehead, Neku finally noticed where he was, and slowly walked over to the Ugadawa mural, waving at Kyo. Looking up, he couldn’t suppress a smile as he admired it. Ever since his return to the RG, he hadn’t really visited this place, being piled in so much homework, it made Minamimoto’s garbage heaps look small. And you think teachers would lay off the homework after you’ve had a life-or-death experience- Neku blinked and scrutinized the graffiti before him.

“What the heck?” he wondered. “There’s something different…” Neku stared at the wall, trying to spot where the problem was.

“ I GOT CHU NOW, PHONES!” Beat hollered, and Neku turned around to see Beat hurtling towards him on his skateboard, with no signs of stopping. Neku frantically tried to jump out of the way, but Beat crashed into the smaller teen with tremendous force. Neku felt splitting pain down his back as he fell against the wall. This was soon accompanied by the pain of Beat holding him in a headlock and giving him a rough noogie. “Ya owe me new pants, yo! I had ta run through Shibuya in these!” Beat pulled back, revealing his pants, which were covered in the brown substance.

“Why the hell would you do that for? Now everyone in Shibuya will think you’ll need a diaper or something.” Neku rolled his eyes as Beat yelped in realization.

“Well, you still owe me some new pants!” Beat defended himself. Neku stood up and brushed himself off, rubbing his aching back.

“Urg, my back hurts a lot now!” Neku complained. Now it was Beat’s turn to roll his eyes.

“Wah, wah, wah. Go cry ta yo mommy, not me!”

“…Whatever. Let’s go get you some pants. Where do you want to ge? Lapin Angelique? Everyday Selects?” Neku joked.

“BWWAAAAGH! Oh, HELL NO! No gay clothes! Wild Boar is righ’ there!” Beat jumped back comically.

“Fine, just make this fast. Don’t want to turn this into a Shiki shopping spree™.” Neku made a sound between a sigh and a chuckle.

“Aight, aight. This’ll be quick.” Beat said, and he wasted no time in dashing into the store, forgetting about his curry-covered pants. Neku hesitated, and turned to look at the wall again. This time, the mural looked the same as usual. “Yo, Phones! You comin’?” Beat called impatiently from inside.

“Yeah!” Neku answered, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched by a pair of large, yellow eyes. As soon as he walked in, he saw Beat waiting for him by the cash register. This was MUCH better than shopping with Shiki.

“C’mon, yo! I already found da shorts I wanted!” Neku glanced at the price tag, which, to his relief, wasn’t overly expensive. Fishing his wallet out of his pocket, Neku paid for it. Beat grinned and grabbed the bag, ready to run out the door.

“Hey genius. Shouldn’t you change first?” Neku reminded him.

“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Beat scratched his head and walked back to the changing room, re-emerging with pants that looked exactly the same as his first pair.

“Okay. We should go back to Hachiko before Shiki and Rhyme start to get worried.” Neku said, walking out of the store, looking behind him at Beat.

“Race you there, Phones!” Beat dashed out at breakneck speed.

“Wha- oh, come on!” Neku groaned, jogging after him grudgingly. This is going to be a long day.
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