Fanfic: Neku's Misadventures in Sexy Shibu-Land (R), part eleven

Jul 22, 2008 17:42

Title: Neku's Misadventures in Sexy Shibu-Land
Author: takatohedgehog and lazzchan
Rating: R (there be plot and only a bit of smexing *coughcomposer!Neku/stripper!Joshcough*)
Warnings: Joshua x Neku, Neku x Stripper!Josh, evil!Composer!Neku x Neku, fluff, angst
Summary: Neku is taken to Sexy Shibu-Land to hunt an evil!Composer version of himself and is 'forced' to protect a stripper.
Chapters: Part One (R) | Part Two (R) | Part Three (NC-17) | Part Four (R) | Part Five (NC-17) | Part Six (NC-17) | Part Seven (NC-17) | Part Eight (R) | Part Nine (NC-17) | Part Ten (R)
Spin-offs: Just Like You (HEAVY NC-17)
Notes: The last of Neku's epic Misadventures in Sexy Shibu-Land, and extra long for you guys (count: 16 pages even after editing). Don't worry, though! Neku will be continuing to have Misadventures in other worlds after he's done here, and it's not quite over yet as far as stripper!Josh and Composer!Neku are concerned!

Neku looked up at Joshua and sighed. "End Game."

"Day Seven." He brushed his fingers over Neku's cheek, looking at the clock, which read 00:00.

Neku already had his plan in mind. He had worked by himself, examining his inner Music and power.

"Are you ready?" Joshua asked with a whisper, covers barely over his naked lower half.

"Yeah," Neku whispered. He knew the chances that will all the Power he needed for this -- well, he only hoped that his Josh would come and get him soon after, because it was going to drop his Frequency low.

The pale-haired stripper suddenly pressed his lips to Neku's, leaning down over him.

Neku held onto him tightly, eyes closing. "Josh...I'll protect you, I promise…I promise..." he whispered.


"Ready to die?" He appeared in the room like he had on the day the game had begun, face set, lips in a thin line.

Neku pulled away slowly, climbing out of bed and eyes meeting his other self. "I suppose I am," he murmured, wrapped his arms around his other and kissing him slowly, power twining about the other with pure Music.

Dark Neku blanched at the kiss, his eyes unintentionally becoming half-lidded. "My my my," he murmured as he pulled his lips away, tilting his head. "That eager, are we?"

"You're still wearing the headphones," Neku observed. "Have you gone back home yet?" he asked. His rewriting was still subtle, but he was consciously doing it this time, his power trickling out bit by bit as he did it.

"No," he whispered, brushing Neku's hair away and ignoring the comment about the headphones.

If Neku attacked him with his full power, he wouldn't be able to stop it entirely. "You're losing your city's Music." Neku sighed and nuzzled him, knowing that his subtle rewriting demanded this…his other self needed the touch other than the memory of Joshua's. "I'm losing my Music too," he confided softly.

"You haven't been doing this for as long as I have though," he murmured, fingering the collar around his counterpart's neck.

"No," Neku agreed and his eyes closed, "but if a Conductor loses his Music..."

"He loses his mind." Dark Neku's face scrunched up as he licked at Neku's jaw line. "Why are you going this far for them?"

"They gave me purpose..." Neku sighed and tilted his face into his other's mouth. "Josh is a fucking ass, but...without him, I wouldn't have friends...wouldn't have Music."

"And this one?" he murmured roughly against Neku's skin, nipping as he gestured with his eyes to the pale-haired teenager still in the bed, narrowing his dark blue gaze at the fact that he didn't seem frightened.

"He loves me," Neku growled softly, power lacing deeper, along undetectable lines, "and," he lifted the headphones, murmuring into Neku's ear, "he needs to have a Neku to guide him and control him."

His shoulders felt lighter for some reason, like a great weight had been taken off his body. He stared down at his counterpart, as though in disbelief that any Joshua wouldn't be conceding, manipulative bastards.

"He needs it," Neku repeated, "enjoys it..." He licked at his ear, pressing himself closer. "Is excited by the thrill that you're so close..."

"You're lying," he whispered, wrapping an arm around his counterpart as he watched the stripper with dark eyes. "They only manipulate us." Joshua moved tantalizingly under the covers, shifting so they were just low enough to expose himself.

"This one doesn't," Neku gave an amazed laugh, shaking his head. "I couldn't believe it either..." he kissed down his throat, trailing his fingers through his other's hair. "He wants us to manipulate him."

His eyes shifted again, watching Joshua tilt his head, face slightly flushed as he moved back against the headboard. "How are you so sure?"

"Look at him..." Neku murmured. "He wants to be tied up...he wants that air of danger." He nipped at his ear again. "He gave you those headphones."

The darker of the two nearly choked, watching the stripper spread his legs oh so slightly. "*These* are his?" he hissed, eyes narrowing.

"They were Neku's," he said softly, nipping his way down his throat, power slipping around him again. "He waited for his Neku by Udagawa..." Neku's lips turned downward, both of them had memories of that place-- "but his Neku was murdered by his father."

He shuddered, feeling very nearly sympathetic. "So he was an asshole in this dimension too," he murmured under his breath.

"His Neku wasn't strong enough," Neku whispered, blowing warmth breath over the spot he'd just licked. "Josh needs a strong version of us..." he murmured. "Look at him," he whispered.

And look at him he did. The stripper was moving his long fingers along his erection, pale eyes watching the two cautiously, backed against the headboard like a scared rabbit. He licked his lips.

"He wants one of us to take him," Neku whispered into his ear. "He's got fucked up bad, he craves that control over him..." He was grateful he and Josh had discussed some of this -- and it was obvious that his counterpart was enjoying this.

"Enjoying this, are you?" he asked in a low voice, causing the stripper to tense where he was on the bed.
"Y-yes..." Joshua flushed, his voice barely a husky whisper as one of his hands trailed to his mouth, placing a finger between his teeth.

Neku wrapped his arms around his other, losing his grip on himself as the shift was almost complete; too much was broken to fix completely, though. "Don't you want to take Josh?" he murmured. "Have him beg for you?"

"Aren't you supposed to be protecting him?" he murmured back, raising an eyebrow.

"From being killed, not fucked," Neku said bluntly.

"Fuck me, please," Joshua whispered, skin hot and flushed, and he just about lost it before he turned his attention back to Neku.

"You did something to me," he accused.

Neku swallowed, stepping backward. This was the part that he hadn't been sure about--he rewrote his counterpart's desire for killing Joshua--but he didn't know what he was going to do if that other self figured it out. He didn't and couldn't rewrite a surprise like that.

He tilted Neku's head slightly with his hand. "Undress me."

Neku nodded slowly, feeling the warmth of those fingers press into his skin. Fingers slowly unbuttoned the shirt that his other self was wearing.

Dark Neku tilted his head downward, grazing his counterpart's lips before pressing his deeper against Neku's.

Neku had a harder time fighting back with any of his power, but he still pressed into the kiss. "Aren't you going to do Josh?"

"As soon as you hurry up," he purred, eyes flickering to the pale-eyed teen on the bed.

Neku nodded, certain that he could still keep this Neku from killing Josh as he swiftly undressed him the rest of the way.

His eyes flickered back to his counterpart. "What are you going to do? Sit back and enjoy the show?"

"Unless you had way for me to join in." Neku smirked. "But I want to make sure you don't..." His eyelids drooped slightly and he rubbed at his ears, frowning. "He wants you to fuck him."

Joshua moved so he wasn't sitting upright against the headboard, legs spread and cock weeping. "Please..."

The darker Neku licked his lips, eyes trained on Joshua as he stood over him. "What do you want me to do?" he murmured lowly, lips curled with dark amusement. "You'll have to beg for it, little whore."

"Please." He moved again, crawling on his hands and knees towards Neku. "Please, fuck me. I...I need it."

"I don't think you're serious enough," he sing-songed. "Who do you want to fuck you?" he murmured, crawling on the bed and pushing the other back roughly.

He fell onto his back again, looking up at the darker twin with wide eyes. "You, please...please, master."

"Are you fucking with me?" Neku demanded, gripping his wrists tightly, snarling slightly. "Don't play with me, you bastard."

"I...I'm not, please...I'm sorry if I upset you..." He winced slightly at how roughly his wrists were being held.

Neku's smile widened at the wince. "You deserve to be fucked, you know that?" he purred. "Begging...whimpering like the little whore you are..." he kissed him roughly.

Joshua moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth and legs to accept him. "Please," he murmured ageist Neku's lips.

"You going to be my little whore?" Neku whispered into his mouth, thrusting against him, one hand forcing his legs open wider.

"If you'll have me," he panted, bucking up and moving his legs wider obediently.

"You'll be just mine," Neku growled. "Mine." he flicked his gaze towards his counterpart, who was watching, face flushed. "Only if I give you can let him try and fuck you." He arranged himself, thrusting in and moaning at the pain. "But it won't feel as good, will it?"

Joshua moaned, his ass stinging at the swift thrust but he ignored it - he had been taken like this before after all. ", it won't...please..."

"I own you," he murmured, "and I'll more than kill you, little whore, if you betray me."

"I...I understand," he gasped softly, something breaking in his heart when he knew he wouldn't be able to be with the gentler one anymore. The one who had kept watch over him for an entire week.

"But I'll let my twin play with you... if he wants you after this," he murmured into his ear. "Aren't I kind?"

"Yes..." He gasped and tilted his head back. "What am...what am I to call you?"

Neku looked surprised for a moment, breathing deep and biting sharply on his throat. "You know my name," he finally said, the final pieces of his Music clicking into place, as close to his original one as it could be. "Call me by that, damn it."

"Neku..." Joshua licked his lips, as though tasting the name for the first time. "Please...hurry and fuck me...make me yours."

Neku groaned and thrust hard, hands tightening on his wrists as he pounded into him fast and hard. "Mine," he breathed against his skin.

The stripper cried out and arched his back as he felt the hands around his wrists tighten, legs wrapping around the darker redhead's waist for something to hold onto. "Y-yours," he moaned, head bouncing back against the pillow. "Neku~"

Neku watched this, mouth going dry as he slumped against the wall. It was surreal watching yourself doing that to someone else -- watching Joshua as he arched and begged and pleaded…

The darker version of Neku was almost desperate as he drove into him. "Don't betray me," he growled into his ear, fingers leaving bruises and his power sparked and danced along Joshua's nerves.

"I won't," he managed to gasp out, skin nearly glowing in the darkness. So delicious… He slowly picked up the rhythm, pushing back against him.

Neku gripped his erection, letting go of his wrists and stroked it roughly. "Come then, little whore Josh..." he murmured, voice almost tender.

It only took a few strokes before he cried out, fingers gripping the bed sheets as he came, face and chest flushed as he looked up at the one above him.

Neku groaned into his throat, thrusting a few more times before emptying himself into Joshua. "Good boy," he murmured.

The other Neku swallowed, face flushed as he watched the two of them, almost seeing the shift around the two them.

"Was I good for you?" he whispered, legs sliding from Neku's hips as his eyes searched the counterpart's.

"You were a good little toy," Neku purred into his ear. "Such a good boy for your master." Neku turned to his counterpart, eyes darkly amused. "You cheated, little Neku~" he murmured, "but such a clever boy to win."

"He won your game?" he asked softly, turning his own eyes with a soft smile to the boy resting against his bedroom wall.

Neku gripped his chin. "Don't look at him unless I say so," he chided. "I won't kill you or any of the Joshua's, but you're my little pet now."

"Yes, Neku," Joshua said in agreement as he looked up at the other, sighing with a little bit of relief.

"Good boy," Neku murmured. It was then that a presence filled the room and the other Neku blinked to see Shiki there -- Shiki with reaper wings and he choked. ""

Shiki's only indication of her mood at seeing her Composer in bed with the person he'd been chasing over several worlds was a raised eyebrow. "So while your City is going sour, you're getting some," she glared at him. "Get the hell out of that bed NOW and get back to your City." Her arms were crossed over her chest, one foot tapping on the floor.

The darker redhead seemed a little shocked to see her and attempted to hide behind his newly acquired pet, who giggled. "You shut up," he murmured, kissing Joshua's neck.

"Now, Neku," she frowned. "And I hope you're all done with this hopping from world to world thing. Do you know the explaining I've had to do?" Her gaze focused on the other Neku. "And YOU..."

Neku could only watch with slight amusement as his darker counterpart was lectured by his Conductor. Really, there was nothing more amusing than when Shiki lectured someone other than least, until she turned her attention to him. "Uh, me?"

"You," she pointed a finger at him. "Don't give me that look. You drained yourself dry trying to fix him…" she pointed back to her Composer. "Energy spikes all over the places, making messes -- neglecting your own Composer -- you're as stupid as he is."

"Neglecting my...hey!" Neku frowned at her as his counterpart tried to bury himself under Joshua's covers. "He was the one who tossed me here in the first place!"

"And you've been ignoring him and blocking his connection to you," she snapped. "I've been a Conductor longer than you have and I don't care if you're stronger, I can still see what you’re doing." She stalked over to the bed, grabbing Neku by the hair. "Get UP," she shook him like a naughty puppy. "You can bring him if you want, as long as you're not going to kill him, but you're coming home." Her expression softened slightly. "We've been worried."

His expression was like a naughty puppy who'd just been kicked, looking at her before quickly looking away. "Sorry..."

"Neku..." She sat on the edge of the bed, pushing Joshua out of the way, wrapping her arms around him. "We're your friends...we missed you."

Joshua blanched a little at being pushed out of the way before settling for a pout, shooting Neku a smile. It looked like this one was a happy ending.

"I missed you too...but can you please not hug me in front of them? I have an image, you know!"

She snorted. "I'm seeing you naked in bed while a twin of you watches," she said dryly. "Image kinda shattered there." Neku was taking this chance to try and escape.

"But it's a *hug*!" he nearly whined. "Shiki~...!"

Neku coughed and was almost out the door before she glared at him again. "And --you-- you're too new of a Conductor to be away from your Composer for too long."

Joshua smiled, deciding to take the chance that Shiki practically had his new lover in a headlock and slid off the bed, walking over and kissing Neku softly. "Thank you," he whispered.

Neku's smile tilted up slightly. "Don't anger him when he's finally got you," he warned, fingers curling around Joshua's for a moment.

He squeezed Neku's fingers gently. "I won't forget you." The pale-haired stripper could feel dark eyes boring holes in his back and quickly let go, giving him a small smile before walking back over to the pair.

"I hope not," Neku nodded at Shiki. "When the ass decides to finally pick me up, I'll go home."

His counterpart snorted, having finally gotten out of Shiki's death grip/hug. "Can't do anything for himself." He turned his eyes to his Conductor. "How about you take him home?"

"Can't," she said, "only have limited access to this place, and that's because you're here," she gripped him. "And I'm not letting you out of my sight again. Neku."

He sighed in annoyance as his new toy giggled. "How troublesome."

She gave him a look. "Get dressed and we're going home. I'll send a message through Mr. H."

"I..." Joshua licked his lips. "I can come?"

"You think he's going to leave you?" she demanded, quirking an eyebrow.

The stripper felt arms enclose around him possessively. "I suppose not." He giggled.

Shiki sighed and covered her eyes. "Just get dressed, I can't stay here long."

Dark Neku sighed, muttering something about troublesome women before letting go of Joshua and standing, moving to collect his clothes.

Neku shivered faintly, the Frequency around him dropping even more until he looked like his fifteen-year-old self again. He couldn't stay much longer here, either -- or else he wouldn't be the Conductor anymore.

"Really, Neku...I come to pick you up and instead I find you in this cosy little love nest."

Neku blinked up at him, frowning slightly. "Love nest?" he demanded. "You left me without any explanations or warnings and..."

Joshua - his Composer - stood in the doorway to the bedroom, arms crossed over his chest wit a raised eyebrow at Neku's accusations before noticing the other three. "Hello, Shiki."

She stood protectively in front of Neku. "You," she hissed out. She wasn't bothered by the older, more vulnerable looking Joshua, but this one reminded her too much of the one that had destroyed Neku. "You' mess up all the time, don't you?" she demanded. "Look what you're doing to this Neku, all over again! His Frequency has dropped--his losing his Music -- you…I bet you SHOT him’re…you're..."

"And that's exactly the reason why I don't bother with women." Joshua leant away from the doorframe, looking to his Conductor. "Said your goodbyes?"

Neku shook his head, "Not quite yet," he said, going over to his counterpart, watching him carefully before kissing him slowly.

Joshua's eyebrows shot to his hairline in surprise as his own counterpart giggled, Dark Neku breaking the kiss. "What was that for?" he murmured.

"You didn't enjoy it?" Neku smirked, then leaned to whisper in his ear. "It's always good to shake Josh up."

He raised an eyebrow before smirking, kissing the corner of his counterpart's mouth with his eyes trained on the other Composer. "You're vindictive, anyone tell you that?"

"He's a fucking asshole, he deserves it," Neku muttered, "and I want something good to have before I go home."

He wrapped his arms around Neku's waist languidly, turning his attention to Shiki and his new toy with a slow smile. "Mind leaving us alone for a few minutes?"

"Maybe we want to watch," Shiki said, lips turning up in amusement. "And no more sex. You have to get home, play with him later."

"Yessum." He pressed his lips to Neku's, threading his fingers through the back of his hair with his other hand keeping his chin steady.

Neku groaned against the kiss, eyes slipping shut. "Don't stay away too long," he murmured. Shiki tugged her Composer backward. "Going. Now."

He waved a hand to the other Composer as he smirked, his other hand tugging the stripper along with him, who smiled softly at Neku.

It was only a few moments later that Neku was left alone with Joshua.

Joshua tugged a little at the collar of his shirt. "Happy with yourself?"

"I should be asking you that," Neku snapped. "Mission complete."

"Mission complete, indeed," he murmured, walking over to his Conductor.

"Satisfied?" Neku asked, breath caught as he realized how much their connection had changed and he cursed the part of himself that wanted to be closer to Joshua.

He twirled a piece of hair around one finger, looking at his Proxy with an unreadable expression on his face. "No...not nearly as satisfied as I had hoped."

"Of course," Neku said in disgust, "You couldn't be pleased," he wobbled as the room spun.

Joshua reached out with his arms and caught Neku, pulling the other boy into his body. "Neku..." he murmured, using his power to transport them back to the Room of Reckoning.

Neku fell into his arms, eyes closed as his Frequency was pulled down so low, the backlash of his rewriting hitting him at once. The Music was faint now.

Joshua brushed his lips against his Conductor's neck, still holding him. "I can lend you some of my power," he whispered into Neku's ear, long fingers holding onto his arms, holding him upright. "Until your Music comes back."

"Hurts, Josh..." Neku half-thought he was with the other Josh, who cared for him and was nice to him...

"It won't," he murmured, turning Neku around to face him before he kissed him, sending his power through the kiss.

Neku leaned into him, fingers curling in his hair as he let his Composer take care of him, eyes still shut.

He focused on healing his Conductor, nothing else, as his lips moved against Neku's, brushing his tongue gently along Neku's lower lip. Neku was so...empty. It was the only word to describe it as he felt his power through the boy's body. Hopefully...

Neku slowly began to respond, feeling the Music again in slow dribbles, stretching along his senses. It helped that they were back in Shibuya -- His Shibuya. "So what...did I do wrong?' he whispered.

"Well..." He chastely ran his lips along Neku's jaw line. "...For one, you overexerted yourself without proper knowledge of your limits."

Neku shook his head. "I knew exactly what I was doing," he sighed and held onto Josh. "I what you wanted completely. No matter the consequences."

He raised an eyebrow, moving his fingers lightly through Neku's hair. "...Am I really so bad that you would've stay there, given the chance?" Joshua's words were a whisper, as though hoping his Conductor wouldn't hear him.

Neku shook his head, purring softly at having his hair stroked like that. "I wanted to do what you wanted me to do," he said, "Can't explain it, wanted that other me fixed, so badly that you didn’t give me any explanation of what I was to you. I figured you never wanted me to know."

Joshua giggled softly, brushing his lips down Neku's cheek. "Neku, Neku, Neku," he breathed, twirling the redhead's hair around his fingers. "A Composer can never be biased."

"Even to the point of putting his Conductor in danger?" Neku asked. "Oh wait, you had your last one killed."

He sighed and pulled away, massaging his temples. "Must you constantly bring Megumi up?"

Neku grew serious, body still weak, but getting better as the Music grew louder. "I'm just saying, Josh...if I hadn't know that I was your Conductor...I would have died there."

Joshua twirled a strand of hair around his finger. "Well, I expected you to figure it out...a Composer doesn't unlock the powers of any Player, previous or not." He sighed a little. "Really, Neku. God doesn't favour just Adam."

Neku rolled his eyes and pushed away from Joshua. "Just forget it, Josh," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning away. "You got your purpose fulfilled, hurrah, the evil me is no longer trying to kill you."

He stopped playing with his hair, expression unreadable. "Neku..."

"You didn't even seem to mind that I was...that I was so close to getting Erased by another version of me. You were only concerned that another version of you didn't die."

Joshua nibbled on his lower lip. "I was concerned..." he murmured, as though trying to reassure himself as he walked forward and wrapped his arms around Neku's waist. "I didn't leave here...not once...I..."

"Careful, Josh..." Neku joked, eyes closing as he held onto to Joshua. "You're acting almost human."

"Sue me," the Composer murmured, taking hold of Neku's chin and turning his head to claim his lips once more.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Neku asked again. "Train me earlier...tell me that…" he whispered and pressed his lips to Joshua's neck. "That I wasn't alive?"

"What does a child do when it's thrown into the deep end of a pool?" he asked, fingers threading through Neku's hair again.

"Struggles to save itself," Neku said, breath steadying. "But this is different..."

"Not so," Joshua murmured, trailing his tongue along Neku's ear. "Instinct kicks in. They learn to swim, if only to survive." He nipped lightly at the earlobe. "You did so. You learnt how to control your powers through sex, and then you manifested them outside of the act."

Neku moaned softly, body warming as Joshua's tongue moved down the sensitive skin of his ear. "A-and whose idea was have it w-work through sex?"

He giggled softly, nudging Neku's head up lightly with his nose. "Not mine."

"So you really...planned all this?" Neku asked. "Why didn't you tell me about yourself then?" he asked, curling his hand in Joshua's hair. "That you wanted me to be your Conductor…to explain about the Music..." He pressed his lips against Joshua's jaw, still amazed that this Josh wanted this as well. His lips turned upward for a moment. "That you wanted to molest me."

"Didn't you have fun finding it out for yourself though?" he purred, licking Neku's neck before frowning when leather was in his way, raising an eyebrow. "I never figured you for one to wear dog collars, Neku."

Neku groaned and put a hand up to the collar. It finally opened and he dropped it to the ground. "My counterpart's version of the Player pin, I suppose."

Joshua caught the collar before it could fall completely, running his fingers across the smooth leather to the CAT skull, tracing his thumb over it. "Hm...I had heard about his...tastes."

Neku rolled his eyes. "I'm sure," he said, pulling away again. "Sure you don't want to play with him instead?"

He smiled. "And let all your hard work go to waste?" he purred, kissing Neku's lips for a moment. "I was just thinking about how hot you looked with it on..."

Neku blushed. "Josh..." he stroked down his face. "What did you mean when you said I was yours?" he asked. "That you can play with others...but I'm restricted to you?"

"I'm possessive of the things I mark as mine," Joshua purred huskily, taking Neku's fingers and threading his own through them, pulling his Conductor closer. "Of the people I mark as mine." He bit his lip a little, tilting his head. "Do you know how much it...irked me that you were having sex with a counterpart of mine and yet wouldn't let me touch you?"

"You never seemed like you wanted to touch me," Neku let himself get pulled closer, giving Joshua a bland look. "You got more excited about my impending death." He curled his fingers around Joshua's. "How many people have you marked as your toys?"

He smiled coyly, tilting his head. "That would be telling," Joshua purred, then sighed as though berating himself. If anything was going to happen, he'd have to learn to trust Neku as much as he trusted Megumi. "Many...over the centuries."

"How many do you have now?" Neku asked after a moment of shock that Joshua was that old. "Put us away in boxes while you play with your current favourite?" It was obvious that he was jealous and trying to fight it.

He smiled at the hint of Neku's jealousy. "Just you."

"What does it be marked as yours?" Neku asked.

"Everything." Joshua smiled, a little twist between smug and coy. "People have always vied for God's favour since the beginning of're just one of the lucky ones."

Neku gave him a look and made a face. "You completely and totally just turned me off, you know." He shook his head. "You're not God, you may be A god, but you're not ..yeah," he grimaced.

He sighed a little, twirling a piece of hair around his finger. "I suppose in some cultures, people would consider me the Devil...being under Shibuya and conducting the Reaper's Game to see who has the pleasure of being resurrected."

"That might be more accurate," Neku smirked. "You're the Loki of Shibuya."

Joshua tapped his chin. "I wonder how Loki's going..."

Neku rolled his eyes. "Now you're pulling my chain," he muttered. "Josh...I was serious, though. I was thinking about this are sort of...a minor god here, aren't you?"

"I suppose you could compare me to the Gods who oversaw a person's passage into the next life in Egyptian mythology," Joshua mused, obviously thoroughly enjoying this. "The Book of the Dead and all that."

"And my role?" Neku asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You would be the Shu."

"Then you're supposed to be Tefnut, then?" Neku asked softly. "Or do I get another soul mate?" He smirked. "Girly fits you, Josh."

"Why thank you, feather-from-the-headdress-of-Ma'at." He smirked back.

"At least I'm not sporting the head of a lioness."

Joshua shrugged. "Cats were considered gods in Egypt and were pampered. I'm not fussed."

Neku gave a snort. "Of course." He rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't be..." He tilted his head. "Still...I rather hope you're not Tefnut, because I'd rather not have my sister fu...I mean…" Neku blushed. "I suppose my role really is to be your calming force."

"I was always partial to Anubis myself," the Composer said with a grin at what Neku had nearly said. "God of Mummification."

"Josh..." Neku asked, leaning forward and lacing his fingers with the other. "How long have you been Composer?"

Joshua sighed a little. "Sengoku Jidai."

Neku blinked a few times, eyes widening at Joshua. "'re..." He gaped. "But Shibuya didn't even exist then!"

He pursed his lips together. "The Game did, though."

"Josh..." Neku closed his eyes for a moment, pulling the other closer.

The Composer sighed a little. "Do you want to hear...? My story, I mean."

Neku nodded, feeling that connection between them strengthen again. "Sure..." he murmured.

Joshua pulled Neku over to the throne, sitting down into it and pulling his Conductor into his lap, wrapping his arms around Neku. "I'm sure you've learnt about the Sengoku Jidai period in your classes."

Neku nodded, resting his head in the crook of Joshua's neck, wanting -- somewhat needing to be close to Joshua like this and he was glad that no one could see him and make fun of him for acting so needy. "Yeah...but what part where you from?" he asked. "It last over two centuries."

"Toyotomi Hideyoshi period." He threaded his fingers through Neku's hair gently, his other arm remaining wrapped around his waist.

Neku gaped at him. "That…that's been…'s been five hundred years."

Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Don't like the fact that I'm old enough to be your great-great-great-great grandfather, Neku?"

"Does it bother you that I'm that young compared to you?" Neku shot back.

He smiled a little. "Well, you can relax...I was too frail to reciprocate and died before I was ever married."

Neku scowled at that. "Josh..." He poked him in the chest. "Why do you want to hang out with someone that is so different from what you must have been then?"

"It's interesting," he said with a small smile. "Sanae was around back then too."

He supposed "hang out" wasn't the best word, since Josh wanted to treat him like an object. "What... what were you like, then?" he asked instead.

"You mean aside from the fact that I was constantly in bed due to the sickness that plagued my body?" Joshua raised an eyebrow. "I liked reading, I suppose. Scrolls kept me entertained enough to not let boredom take me before my sickness did. Although by the time I was twelve I had already read most of the scrolls my family had, even though my father kept bringing me material back from the war."

"Huh... I always liked reading, too." Neku shrugged and stroked through Joshua's hair slowly. "It must have been lonely."

He smiled softly. "I had Sanae to keep me company. He was my private doctor, though he really couldn't do anything about my sickness because nothing had been developed in the way of a cure at the time."

"Josh...." Neku curled closer to him. It was easier to be with Josh like this, when he wasn't being a smug asshole. "That...that had to suck."

The Composer threaded Neku's hair through his fingers. "He told me stories about the UG that I thought were just stories. On the rare occasion that I did go outside, I had no idea that some of the people I was seeing were dead samurais running around playing the Reaper's Game."

Neku blinked at that. "I...I suppose they wouldn't have looked any different from the others around. I mean…we didn’t look any different."

"I died in the spring of my sixteenth year, just a few days short of my sixteenth birthday." Joshua sighed a little, resting his head on a palm. "Sanae told me afterwards that my lungs had collapsed when I'd gone into cardiac arrest in the middle of the night. He took care of my Soul until I could manifest myself properly in the UG...of course, thanks to reading scrolls and spending a lot of my time during my sickness daydreaming, I had an Imagination much like yours."

Neku blinked a bit at that. "I still don't get how all of you say my Imagination is this amazing, strong thing. Uzuki looked like she was having delusions when she saw my wings." Neku gave a snort at the idea. "But you..." he held Josh's face. "You saw the UG while alive -- Mr. H musta wanted you for that alone."

Joshua smiled a bit, taking hold of Neku's hand. "Sanae was the only...parental figure I can ever remember having. My father was away at war a lot, being a general, and my mother couldn't bear to look after a child like me. And pale hair and was considered heretic in those times."

"It's still not that common," Neku said dryly, "unless you did weird things to it or got contacts for some reason..." he stroked through Josh's hair. "So were you a Player at first...?" he asked.

He nodded, taking hold of Neku's hand. "I entered the Game a few days after I died, though I constantly told Sanae I had no reason nor desire to return to life. My partner was a samurai named Megumi Kitaniji."

Neku blanched. "Oh, holy hell, Joshua...I kill...I... " he gulped. "I'm sorry."

He smiled softly, kissing Neku's forehead. "Don't be. Megumi died an honourable death...the way a samurai should die."

"I sti...I still killed...” Neku looked pale still. "Was he your only partner all this time?"

Joshua's smile quirked a little bit more. "All of the Reapers and Officers you've met I've chosen at some point to be a Partner with."

"Even Minamimoto?"

"Unfortunately yes." Joshua pursed his lips a little. "Though Uzuki was Kariya's choice."

"I see..." Neku leaned into him. "But he's been with you all this time..."

"Neku, dying was Megumi's choice." Joshua tilted Neku's head up a little, grazing their lips. "He loved Shibuya enough to be Erased for it. You gave him a fitting death."

"He was so loyal to you," Neku mused, "and he had such...interesting ideas for Shibuya,' he rubbed his forehead. " long ago did you choose me as your Conductor?"

He smiled. "Since the first day I met you in third grade."

Neku gave him a doubtful look. "I couldn't have been that interesting then."

"No. But your Soul was bright enough to convince me you'd make a fitting Conductor when Megumi passed on." The pale-haired Composer tapped Neku's nose. "And do you remember what you said to me?"

"Not really..." Neku gave him a look, unsure of what Joshua was getting at. "I was just a kid that didn't talk to people and always hid myself in music."

"You told me to trust you."

Neku blinked. "Did I do something to you that you'd need that said to you?"

Joshua shook his head. "I was under the pretence of a transfer student whose parents had recently moved to town," he mused, brushing Neku's bangs away from his face. "You told me I could trust you...that you'd look after me."

Neku's eyes widened and he suddenly remembered looking earnestly up at the pale-haired child, taking him by the hand and showing him around the school. "I said that I would make sure you were okay there," he murmured. "That I'd be your friend forever."

He wrapped his arms around his Conductor. "I believe I've already said that I'm possessive of the things I hold dear."

"Josh... how was I able to rewrite the Music of a Composer?" Neku asked. "Even if it was another version of Imagination isn't that strong, is it?"

Joshua smiled a little. "Well, one of the reasons was because he was technically you," the Composer explained, linking their fingers. "His Music was broken because of what his world's version of me did to him. Music usually takes a long time to heal and put back together."

"Mm...he was really broken," Neku whispered. "I tried to fix what I could..." He smirked and poked Josh. "Heh -- so I'm not so special after all."

He blinked a little at the poke to his nose before smiling. "I wouldn't say that...when I arrived, I felt his animosity towards me and other counterparts of myself had lessened greatly to just Hate."

Neku shrugged. "You said he was broken, I didn't do all that much to fix him -- and you already said it was because he was just another version of me." he sighed. "I just hope you won't regret taking me as your Conductor."

Joshua smiled gently. "I haven't had any regrets when it came to you on anything, Neku."

"Even shooting me?" Neku asked blandly.

He nuzzled Neku's neck, placing a hand on his Conductors ass. "I'll admit it was a rash decision on my part," he murmured against the skin of Neku's throat. "But seriously, if I had asked you straight out instead of shooting you, would you have believed a word I said?"

"If my Imagination had been any higher, you could have just showed me and I would have believed you," Neku squirmed in Joshua's lap. "Seriously, Josh...there has to be a ton of even regular Harriers stronger than me."

"Kariya won't move up in rank," Joshua reminded him, smirking as he enjoyed the squirm. "He's really the only other one I've ever considered aside from you."

"Officers," Neku pointed out.

"I'm afraid you took care of most of them during your Game."

Neku made a face. "Josh...I honestly think...I mean...I'm not strong."

Joshua sighed. "I'm not going to be able to convince you otherwise, am I?"

"Can you prove it?" Neku challenged. "I spent barely a week in that other world and your power is what's keeping me awake right now."

"The Reaper's Game was created to refine a person's Soul for acceptance into Heaven," Joshua said, brushing his fingers through Neku's hair. "The option to be resurrected was introduced as a goal for Players to look forward to. Neku, you not only made me chose to resurrect just one person, but three, by showing me that Shibuya could be changed for the better."

"That has nothing to do with power," Neku said idly, but he relaxed under Joshua's comforting touch, eyes closing a little. It was starting to feel like he was sinking inside Joshua -- his power was that close to Neku's own

"Just sleep," he murmured, kissing Neku's forehead before slinging him into his arms bridal style and standing from the throne. "You've had a long week."

"I'm not weak," Neku mumbled, forgetting he had been basically arguing for that point moments before. "I can walk."

Joshua smiled slightly as he began walking over to one side of the Room of Reckoning. "If I let you walk, I'd have to catch you again."

"You gave me enough energy," Neku pushed at him lightly. "Josh...I'm not a kid..."

He sighed and rolled his eyes, pushing the door that manifested itself open with a foot. "We're almost to the bed anyway, so stop squirming."

His eyes were drooping. "Ass..." he muttered, curling into his despite his protests. "Missed you," he whispered as Josh set him in the bed.

Joshua smiled slightly and kissed Neku's lips, just a chaste brush over them. "Sleep well, my dear, dear Conductor," he purred, placing the covers over Neku's body.

"Tell me more.... 'bout yourself when I wake up," Neku murmured.

He brushed his hand through Neku's hair, gently taking the headphones off. "Just sleep," Joshua murmured again.

Neku's face scrunched up as he reached for something opposite him.

Joshua rolled his eyes and unbuttoned his shirt, climbing into the other side of the bed so Neku could have something to snuggle against.

And Neku, being contrary as he was, even in sleep, had flopped over to his other side seconds before Joshua climbed into bed.

The Composer pouted for a little before spooning himself around Neku, wrapping his arm lightly around his Conductor.

The last of Neku's tension left his body as he let himself fully sleep.

- end part eleven -

fanfiction, joshua x neku

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