How fragile are you? How fragile is your defence, your heart, your life?
Hearing bad news is never welcome, and I guess even if you don’t know them personally or at all, death manages to creep into your life and affect you anyway.
Makes you think, and wonder.. whether everything is worth it anyway. What’s the point at the end of all this?
My throat feels FLEEEH-MEE and I am deathly afraid of falling sick right now because next week is when all the deadlines for this term is due, and the week after is a break! I don’t wanna be sick during my (well-deserved) break!! TSK.
School has been nuts, but I suppose it has picked up considerably since I got my Macbook back from e-Serve at Sunshine Plaza. They were really nice, and did a pretty quick and good job of repairing my Mac!
It’s a 4-day weekend (because I don’t have classes on Mondays, thank God) but every day so far has been spent sitting in front of my Macbook attempting to finish up all my work. Meh. I suppose it is also because I didn’t make plans with anyone, but oh wellllll. Ha.
- Emailer (done! I think. Pissed me off so much cos I HATE working with tables.)
- Copywriting ad (almost done! I quite like this one, so yay!)
- Graphic Design’s mag layouts (haven’t touched it this weekend, and it’s scaring me!)
- Live project (declaring it done because I don’t wanna bother anymore)
I think I might head out to get work done outside tomorrow. More productive. But where do they hide all the powerpoints these days????
In other news, I love FaceTime! I know video calls have been available since years and years ago yada yada but FaceTime is really quite well done, and really a joy to use. It’s also very different from being on a webcam on your laptop..
Getting photo updates from Pinkie throughout the day is quite fun too! Makes me happier, heh.
Also, if you haven’t met me recently (which actually makes all of you other than Pinkie and my classmates, shame on you) I chopped off my hair! HUR HUR HUR. YAY! Couldn’t take it anymore cos the weather has been unforgiving and inhumane.
Finally had a good hair day so I took photos. TADAH! It doesn’t look like that everyday lor, much to my dismay.
On a last note, why do you keep nitpicking when it doesn’t seem to be helping you in the least bit? *rolls eyes*
Originally published at
the random adventures of jojo. Please leave any
comments there.