Ever since Pinkie introduced HIMYM to me last year (or the year before?) I’ve been in love with the show and I watched the first 4 seasons at one go. I love all the characters, the dynamics of the group and of course, Barney!
When season 5 (the current season) started airing, I thought the first few episodes were boring but I thought that was because I didn’t get to watch them one after another like I was accustomed to - I had to wait a week for each episode to be released.
Over the past few months, I’ve come to like it less and less, but like someone you care for, I kept watching it anyway out of habit, out of some sort of strange hope that the old snappy clever lines would return back to the script and the characters. I know I sound melodramatic but I really really love the series a lot! And I also had a ton of fun watching them with Pinkie when he’d first introduced the show to me - we spent many days of his summer holiday back in Singapore at his place watching episode after episode.
This week, after he’d watched the episode (ep 21) he emailed me and said “The awesome how I met your mother is back. Heh. =D”
Oh boy, I couldn’t wait to watch it when I got his email because I know he felt the same about the current season too!
I just watched it, and aww man! The old HIMYM I love is back, with a strong script filled with funny parts, depth and dimension for the characters and meaning. It’s a little sad, but it’s good and I’m so happy!
When listening to new songs, whether on the radio (hardly happens), on a show or introduced by someone, I usually decide whether or not I like it based on its lyrics - if it has a good singer, nice melody but stupid lyrics I just dismiss it.
On this week’s episode of HIMYM, a song played towards the end, effectively drawing out the mood and emotions of the various scenes and when it played over a scene of Marshall and Lily I’d made a mental note to look for the lyrics online - the scene was so sweet, and I love how that silly couple love each other so much despite their individual quirks. Hehe.
After I was done watching the episode, I emailed Pinkie to tell him that he was right, the episode was awesome and I’m so happy they are back!
Awhile later, he emailed me back with an attachment and a smiley face in the body of the email.
It was the song:
Click to view
It should be boredom by now
I know the tricks of the trade
But it goes on anyhow
Sometimes the answers are ready made
And I go for it every time
Just like a heavy drinker
I go for it every time
Hook, line and sinker
He descends on the room
Holier than thou and sillier
He’s gonna knock on her cocoon
And it’s gonna sound familiar
And she’ll go for it every time
Putting herself in peril
She’ll go for it every time
Lock, stock and barrel
And I’m feeling for all of the world like I’m feeling for all the world
So go and reel me in
If I am tugging the line
A hook is under my skin
Because your lure is well designed
Oh I go for it every time
Just like a heavy drinker
I go for it every time
Hook, line and sinker
I can’t wait til you’re back, or I’m there. Whichever.. I can’t wait to just, see you.
I love you a lot a lot a lot!
Pancakes soon :]
OOOOOOPS I just missed your call typing this up. HAHAHAHA DON’T KILL ME K THANKS.
Originally published at
the random adventures of jojo. Please leave any
comments there.