I’ve heard a bunch of people rave about the Camerabag application for the iPhone and I finally tested it out properly today. Must say I’m quite impressed.
The original photo.
HAHA ok I know the camera on the iPhone sucks. Don’t need to tell me; I know.
My LX3 more than makes up for it, heh heh.
I love blue skies
I also love starting my day with you. Even though today I nearly murdered the cab uncle, but still. Starting my day makes all these stupid annoyances melt away.
Michelle has been lovely (and very strange but very much like me haha) and I really thank God for her! For making my Thursdays when I attempt to pick up drawing lots of fun. She’s helping me plan out my entire portfolio - I honestly would feel a lot more lost than I do now about the whole thing is she wasn’t around to help me out, hehe.
I’m a poet. MUAHAHAHA.
I am also on my way to absolute pinkdom. Heh heh heh.
Soon, the whole world will become HOT PINK!! Be afraid. Be very very afraid.
Originally published at
the random adventures of jojo. Please leave any
comments there.