You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:
1. First Name: Kimberly May. I could have been named Charlotte because my sister was six at the time of my birth and liked Charlotte's Web. :|
If I had been a boy, my name would have been Jerome.
2. Age: 18 - I don't take advantage of it, though; was never one to really test my limits. For now, I'm 18 because of the perks - but otherwise, I like telling myself I'm still 17. :)
3. Location: Guam. Dededo, Guam. Look it up - we don't wear grass skirts and coconut bras. D;
4. Occupation: Um. Student. I've never had a job - primarily because I've never needed one. I would like the experience, though. Maybe then I can call myself an adult. :P
5. Partner?: I like how this is the only question with a question mark, because that's pretty much my answer. Relationships - romantic ones - aren't something I'm very familiar with, so I can answer this with a hearty, "Partner? Don't make me laugh."
It's not that I don't want a boyfriend or anything, it's just that the conditions have to be right for it to happen. I have high standards, and I won't compromise any of them just for the sake of being in a relationship. Of course, when I find a boy who meets those standards, I'm too shy to do much of anything. Which is pretty much the story of my senior year of high school. =__=
Buuut I guess I'm not in any hurry to be in a relationship. It's a serious thing to me, and I don't think it's something to be rushed. I'm still 18 - I'm young and fresh and still have a lot to do and learn. I can deal.
6. Kids: Uh. Not right now. :|
I do know the names of my future sons, though - Isaiah Zachary and Gabriel Alexander. :)
...what do you mean, "what if you have girls?" I'm not having girls. Period. :|
7. Brothers/Sisters: Two, technically. Catherine was born two years ahead of me, but was a miscarriage and passed away the same day she was born. My other sister, Christine, is six years older than me. She's an English teacher over at JFK, and apparently loving it. She's a younger version of my mother - but more ticklish. :) We're pretty close, I guess. We don't talk to each other about serious stuff, really - I mention boys in a joking manner and drop perverted jokes, and she talks about her students and school. She's rather more introverted than me - but once you get to know her, she's pretty strange. But a good strange, I guess. XD
8. Pets: Two chihuahuas, Bugley and Choco; one Labrador mix named Chelsea; one Rottweiler named Pepper. I used to have four cats, but three of them died within the last two years. D; We have one more left, and she pretty much just wanders the neighborhood stalking mice. :)
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1) School - OH GOD. SCHOOL. Why am I going to college again? Urrgghhh, I am so. freaking. tired. of classes. I don't think I've ever been this miserable with school. Ever. It's not necessarily that the work is particularly difficult, it's just that it's so boring. And none of the boys in my classes have captured my attention, so I have close to no motivation to do well. D;
2) Family stuff - I have a huge extended family, but nothing ever really goes on that I know of - but it's the holiday season, and I'll be going to the Philippines for Christmas, so I'm preparing myself for that.
3) Uh. Uh. Uh? D;
My life is boring. :|
10. Parents: My mom's a medical secretary. She experiences many mood swings, and she is very extremely completely utterly overprotective. I understand her more now, though, than I did when I was younger, and it's gotten easier to deal with her logic. One thing's for sure about her - she really really loves her daughters, and I'm grateful.
My dad - he's an architect. He owns his business, so he works from home. He isn't overprotective at all; he's all for letting me experience the world and have fun while I'm still young. He also spoils me and drives me everywhere. I'm kind of a daddy's girl. ♥
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
Well, it's changed throughout high school, but I think I've got a handle on it now - my close friends are pretty much the ones who've joined LiveJournal. I say that not just because of that fact, but because they know what's going on in my life, assuming they read my entries. I hang out with a lot of people, and enjoy hanging out with those people - but it's rare that they're aware of my deepest, darkest thoughts and feelings.
Thinking about it, though, at least two of my closest friends aren't on LiveJournal, though I've tried to get them here - Merlynn and Naomi, my band-babes. :P