good stuff

Apr 18, 2006 22:07

I would kill for some bread right now. Grilled cheese...pasta..english muffins *crave*

The hot glue gun has to be one of the greatest inventions of all time. I don't think I've ever had a problem that a hot glue gun hasn't been able to solve. I mean it's perfect. In every way. And for anything (god forbid) that a hot glue gun can't fix, there is always wikepedia. And I would trust my life with wikepedia any day.

Soo I got this thing in homeroom today for the national merit scholarship or something, something to do with my psats. And I have to fill it out and get it sent to my two top college choices. Aka *nervous breakdown*. I'm thinking Oberlin and Brandeis? I mean I liked Brandies but not that much..and it's so hard to spell. Is it ie or ei?? There is no c!! It has to be ie. God no I can't go there. But I don't have a second choice then! Tufts..too international focused and intimidating. Wesleyan...too hard to get into and stuck up. Bard? Vassar? Well I don't think I can consider Vassar since I have a "bright" cousin who went there a few years ago, majored in music history and stuff, got in trouble for a lot of drugs, and dropped out of society. I've been hearing that story a lot recently. But Vassar seems like such a sweet school! Okay it's decided. Brookdale and Monmouth. Maybe I'd be able to get some money there! I hate making decisions.

The next few weeks/months/years are gonna be pretty intense. This weekend is the whole beach cleanup/environmental concert thing. Come! It's gonna suck, but come to support! And next weekend is spring kallah.

To do in free time: homework homework homework, get A+s to bring up your sucky gpa so you can go to oberlin, study for ap tests (ughh)
To NOT do in free time:update livejournal, myspace stalk, read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (but I haveeee to finish it), knit, download music, sleep, watch movies, have any kind of entertainment/amusement at all, celebrate 420 (loserrr day)
To do after may 10th (last ap test): :PARTYYYYYY
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