decisions, decisions

Nov 11, 2012 19:57


i've decided to take a leap forward and move to a new journal. so this will very possibly be my second last post here, the last one announcing where i'm moving to. i can't seem to decide on a username atm, which is annoying me mildly. if i use the same name as my twitter account, those who have me on twitter might find me at lj. do i want them to?

hmm. (i suppose the functionality of a locked entry does exist for a reason.)

and then there's the usual things to settle when moving... getting a new layout and doing all the customising here and there. i quite like my current layout even though i've had it for eons. found a couple of potential layouts but i'll have to figure how to stick a header in there, i do like having headers just to express my fangirly self, if not anything else.

decisions, decisions.

thought of getting a username inspired by Jasper Fforder's Shades of Grey (no, not that one), unfortunately chromatique seems to be taken. and none of the combinations i've come up with look aesthetically pleasing. yes, i am shallow like that.
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