Nov 01, 2014 17:29
It's 5pm and my stomach hurts before I realize that not only did I not eat breakfast like Steven told me I should, I also skipped lunch. Even though I was hungry and tired by the time we got to my house, I didn't have anything. Now waves of nausea roll over me and I breathe evenly until they go away because there won't be anything to throw up if they don't. That's happened before - it's extremely painful and I don't know why the body's response to getting too hungry would be to expel any food left in the stomach. Maybe it thinks I've been poisoned? Maybe there's just too much acid in there and that's what it's trying to get out?
My mother ordered pizza for dinner because she's too tired to cook - probably because she didn't eat enough today. We all forget. Why do we so easily forget to do the things that make our bodies run?