so i was watching the episode of angel "happy anniversary" and i totally recognized the
valley life sciences building from the cal campus. it was freaky. and i was highly amused. amused enough to take screencaps of the episode each time they showed the building in an exterior shot.
i especially like how in the night shot you can see the studio lights :] oh, and click for bigger.
so in the plot, the building was home to genius physicist whatshisface: the creeper who inadvertently almost caused the annual buffyverse apocalypse when he tried to stop time while having sex with his girlfriend who was about to dump him. only vlsb is home to the biology majors--hence the "life sciences" part of valley life sciences building. so, again, amusement. that guy should have been living in either birge or one of the lecontes. and i know the episode wasn't supposed to be set on the ucb campus, but if the production team is hiking all the way up to norcal from socal, you think they'd try to get the actually physics department. or maybe not. vlsb is one of the prettier buildings, and since it says "biochemistry" in big letters on the side, that does kind of tip one off to the fact that its a university building. also, leconte is right in front of the campanile, and that would totally give the cal locale away. but again--it says freaking "biochemistry" on the side of the building in the frame. not "physics."
of course, all of this is shadows by the question why did they choose cal for a filming location instead of one of the fifty million colleges in and around la? hmm. dunno.
and vslb has a giant dinosaur skeleton inside! irrelevant, but totally badass awesome.