Wednesday Action Log 10-16-24

Oct 16, 2024 04:06

This week I’ve finished Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. I’m just going to summarize my thoughts on it: The lasers are fun, Oz Kits are very nice to have once you get used to them, I find the character Pickle really annoying, the novelty of being in space is fun for a while, I find it very weird that the events of the game are (as far as I can tell) completely ignored in Borderlands 3, and I like that Mr. Torgue is mad at the existence of laser weapons.

Speaking of Borderlands 3, that is now what I’m playing. Most of the things I have to say about the game are negative, but I’ll try to say something nice.

I hate the existence of the quest ‘Porta Prison’. Here’s a rundown: There is a guy trapped in a porta-potty, an AI is keeping him in there because he has a gun, you have to run around trying to replace the AI so he can get out. Almost every sentence in that quest has a poop joke, and the reward for the quest is a poop-themed rocket launcher. Even by Borderlands standards, the humor is juvenile.

I find that the combat feels squishy, I don’t know how else to explain it. Just, squishy.

They just add the character Typhon DeLeon as “The first Vault Hunter”. There has been no mention of him in any of the previous games, but now here’s this legendary Vault Hunter that everyone knows about, out of the blue.

And I guess the sliding and vaulting mechanics are nice.

For a small change of pace I did play the demo for Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders. Just a cute, chill game (pun unintended) about skiing. I recommend trying the demo.

Anyway, what’s everyone else playing?
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