(halfway through, looks slightly emptier cuz stuff were dumped on the floor!)
Yesterday we were supposed to be out bowling but ended up staying over at the noodle's again - her house is literally my second third home next to dad's ;p Watched movies, Breakfast at Tiffany's was honestly super mad lame we only got through a few minutes before changing to another one, the detective oldies show (forgot the name) would totally beat it hands down (used to watch it every afternoon haha!) Cleared her desk cuz I like empty desks & hers was all over the place so I asked her where she was gonna put her JC stuff & she pointed out 3 places that weren't even empty :S Hahaha so she said "okay let's clear it!" muahaha I win, again. Then we went to IMM for bookshop-shopping (mad love!!) & FaceShop & LJS (I seem to be the only one who likes it, next to my other grams) & CottonOn - I was sooo sure there was a CottonOn cuz I remembered someone telling me there was one (turned out to be my older bruv) & was mad sexcitedz when I saw it! ;DDD Oh, she spotted the jigsaw shop (which has been there since forever), went mad ballistic spazzing (okay I'm exaggerating) & forced me to get a 200bucks globe jigsaw for her birthday - then she saw a 100+ one & told me to get her that instead. I HINT TO EVERYONE.
ps. We've decided to add mad to every adjective cuz JaySean is mad spastic like that(;