Each week we have "ministry objectives". Things we are required to do. These include writing skits, passing out 1500 tracks, and going door-to-door. Now I can understand the writing skits, but at first I had a hard time with the whole track quota thing. Haha now though, I see why. Christians are lazy. Well, humans are lazy, but if the
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And as far as the Ray Comfort method of evangelism goes:
Here's my point. Love is the purpose of all things. God made us to love us. He saved us because He loves us. He uses people because he loves everyone and wants those who know His REAL love to share it with those who don't. The world doesn't need law. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (I Corinthians 13:13 NIV)
I'm not saying this to be more intellectual than you. I'm not trying to have more ministry skill than you, or more knowledge of God than you. I could give a rip about that. I'm saying these things because you are on dangerous ground spreading a legalistic Gospel to those in this world who are hurting for true Love to come into their life. Too long have Christians walked into the battlefield of this world and shot the wounded rather than bringing healing. There is a new covenant: the Book of the Law is now superseded by the Lamb's Book of Grace. We're not to live lives that go unchecked, but we are under grace, not legalism.
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