[Fanfic] The Princess is a Maid -- Chapter 10

Jan 23, 2012 16:14

Title: The Princess is a Maid Chapter 10
Author: twentyeytako 
Beta by: me. *yep.*
Disclaimer: I still think I’m one of Johnny's lost nieces or granddaughters and I will inherit the company when he retires. Until that happens, I don't own any of them. Pardon the typos. Did my best in being my own beta.
Summary: Everybody knows that Ueda Tatsuya dislikes Nishikido Ryo but what he hates the most is wearing girl's clothes. One ordinary night, Ryo stumbles upon a maid cafe and found one of the maids overly familiar.
Author's Note: I was supposed to stop writing but....
This is a request from floppy_snoopi for the  $1 for a drabble----a cause for the Philippines by help_pilipinas Please thank her. She's the only reason I'm updating this. :)

"Can you please explain to me why they're with us?" Tatsuya asked.

He was sitting beside his sister at the back seat of the van. Yoko was the one driving. They were on their way to a private resort in Okinawa. They arrived in the island via plane just a few minutes ago.

"It's not like they're strangers, Tatsuya and they also need vacations like this." Mizuki said.

Tatsuya sighed. He looked back and saw the other van following them. Hina was the one driving and he can see the rest of Kanjani from the window. He still considers himself lucky because he was able to sit with his sister and the rest of the other maids in the first van. He felt like he was in hell during the plane ride because he was seated in between Subaru and Maru. It also didn't help that he kept on catching Ryo staring at him with a pissed off look. The guy is just plain weird. One moment he was all smiles and the next, he's all grumpy. When they landed, he literally begged his sister to let him ride with her.

The reason they were in Okinawa is because Mizuki got a special request from one of their loyal customers. He asked her to take the maid cafe to his private resort.

There was a big party coming up and he was in need of some people to serve. Most of his guests are men and he thought that Mizuki's maids are perfect for the job.

Tatsuya wasn't supposed to come but Hime-sama was requested by one of the client's close friend.

Before going to the resort, they stopped over a gasoline station to let Tatsuya transform into Hime-sama. Mizuki handed him a bag and he went inside the bathroom to change.

“I wonder what Hime-chan will wear today." Yasu asked.

"I bet she'll be in a beach outfit." Maru said.

"Owah! Hime-chan in a bikini!!!" Sabuaru flailed.

"Tch. That princess in a bikini?" Ryo said irritably.

"My, my, Ryo-chan. Why are in such a bad mood?" Yoko asked.

"Is it because you didn't get to sit next to Hime-chan on the plane?" Maru teased.

Ryo gave him a death glare but the others just looked at him suspiciously.

"Eh? Eh? So Ryo likes Hime-chan too?" Subaru asked.

"What do you mean ‘too’?" Hina asked.

"Because I like Hime-chan." SUbaru said.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Hina exclaimed.

"He's so pretty! I have a crush on him!" Subaru declared.

"I think I have a crush on him too" Maru confessed.

"Me too!" Yasu added.

"WHAT THE FUCK! Ohkura, don't tell me you like Tatsuya too?" Hina asked the youngest one.

"What? No way! I like girls! But I gotta admit, he is pretty when he's wearing girl's clothes." Ohkura said

"YOSHA! So it's only me, Maru, Yasu and Ryo!" Subaru said.

"Wait a minute, Ryo too? But he didn't say he likes him. Don't they hate each other?" Hina asked.

"Ryo, do you like Hime-chan?" Yasu asked innocently.

Ryo just clicked his tongue and ignored Yasu's question.

"Ryo?" Hina asked waiting for his answer.

"UGH! Why are you all so childish?!" Ryo said and just glared at them more.

In one corner, Yoko was just watching his members argue. He finds it interesting that half of them are infatuated with a guy. Kanjani8 might be the gay-est group in the eyes of the fans but in reality, they're all straight. Everything just got interesting when they all got involved with Tatsuya's secret.

"They're so funny." Mizuki told Yoko.

"They're just crazy." Yoko replied.

"That's what makes them unique and interesting." Mizuki said.

"I know. Even if I've known them for years, it still surprises me as to how crazy and interesting these guys are." Yoko said.

"It's because they have you as someone to look up to." Yoko and Mizuki just smiled at each other.

A few minutes later, Tatsuya came out of the bathroom wearing the outfit his sister prepared for him. He was wearing a baby blue summer dress with strawberry prints on

it. He was also wearing a brown layered wig.

As always, everyone was stunned at Tatsuya's transformation. His feminine features really help in his disguise and anyone he'll meet will think he's just another beautiful girl working at a maid cafe. While the others were gawking at Tatsuya, Ryo was the only one who looked away and busied himself with his cell phone.

"Okay, let's all head to the resort!" Yoko said and walked back to the van. The others had no choice but to follow him.

It was just a short drive from the gasoline station up to the client's resort. In a few minutes, they were all standing in front of a big beach mansion.

"Hello! Hello! Welcome!" A short and chubby old man came to them.

"Nice to see you again, Komori-san!" Mizuki said and shook hands with the jolly old man.

"I'm so glad you gave in to my request, Mizuki-chan. I'm really excited for this gathering."

Komori-san was so happy then his excitement heightened when he saw Tatsuya.

"Oh dear! This is amazing! You really brought Hime-sama with you! My friends will definitely enjoy this party!" Komori san said.

"It's a pleasure to be at your service, Komori-san and you know Hime-sama is always willing to grace your party with her presence." Mizuki said.

Komori-san kept his smile then when he looked at the people around him and Mizuki, he was overjoyed. At first, Kanjani thought the old man recognized them but they were wrong.

"Oh my, Mizuki-chan! You brought butlers! This is great!" Komori-san said.

"Butlers?" Mizuki asked as she looks around for butlers.

"Yes, yes! These good looking young men here! They're butlers, right? Oh, you're a life saver, my dear!"

"But Komori-san, I think you got it all wrong."

Kanjani looked at each other ready to potest.

"Komori-san, these guy are---"

"We will be at your service, Komori-san." Yoko stopped Mizuki from telling the truth and bowed to Komori-san.

"Oi! Yoko! What are you doing?" Hina asked ready to whack Yoko in the head.

Yoko just gave him his just-play-along smile and Hina knows he can't argue with the oldest one now.

The greetings ended and Komori-san asked one of his staffs to show them the cabanas they'll be staying at. Mizuki and Tatsuya will share one, the rest of Kanjani in one and the rest of the maids in another. They unloaded their things and got settled in then they gathered in Kanjani's cabana to know what Yoko is planning.

"What the hell was that, Yoko?" Hina asked ready to hit Yoko if he dared answer stupidly.

"Hina, relax, I told you, I got this."

"You got this? You got this? You're clearly out of your mind! Us? Butlers?"

"Yes. Us, butlers. This will be perfect." Yoko said.

"What are you planning Yoko-cho?" Yasu asked.

Yoko gave a sly smile which sends shivers down the members' spines.

"Just think of it this way, we get free food and accommodation. Saves us the money and we'll get paid too!" Yoko said.

"That's good and all but we don't know anything about being a butler." Subaru said.

"Yeah, we're idols! Not servants! No offense to you, Hime-chan." Hina said.

"You said it yourself, we're idols. We act, right? We've done dozens of dramas and movies! Just think of it as another acting job and our role is that of a butler." Yoko said.

Everyone stood silently as they thought of what the oldest one said.

"But we need to learn, at least, the basics of being a butler." Ohkura said.

"That won't be a problem. Mizuki can give us a crash course. Right?" Yoko asked his girlfriend.

"Sure. Being a maid is no different from being a butler. You'll learn the ABC's in a short while." Mizuki said.

Mizuki gave them a quick lesson on how to serve guests and act as real butlers. Everyone took note of everything and being idols, Mizuki was sure they'll do well.

Tatsuya on the other hand, sat in one corner as he listens to his sister's lecture. How he wished he can be a butler, which would've been okay. But no, he has to dress up as a girl and be everyone's "Hime-sama".

There first job was to serve during lunch. Everyone in Eito was given their butler uniforms and they quickly changed into them to join the guests at the dining hall.

There were a lot of male guests but there were also some women. They were either the men's wives or their mistresses. Kanjani went to work and joined the other maids in serving the guests. Since they were all good looking, it was expected that the women adored them. They kept their cool and most of them enjoyed the attention they were having. Ryo can't say if he is having fun. He felt uneasy. It was only a matter of time 'til one of these women realizes who they really are.

"Hey, Ryo, why are you so dead serious? Try smiling. You're scaring the ladies." Yoko said as the two of them refilled the cocktails.

"How can I smile when my supposed-to-be-vacation turned into work?" Ryo said.

"Well, we're being paid here and it's a big amount we'll be receiving."

"I don't care about the money. I want some rest."

"You'll get your rest when we're done with work. Just smile and act like you enjoy it, please?"

"Fuck you."

"You're so adorable." Yoko said and pinched Ryo's cheeks then walked away before the younger man gets a hold of him.

The work continued and Ryo got touched in all different places by the women they were serving. Clearly, they have no idea who he was and the men doesn't really care about the women since they were busy flirting with the maids too. He was really starting to get pissed and explode but he tried his best to stay calm and composed. He was smiling now and he treated the women the way a real butler will treat them. He looked at the other members and they were really happy with what they were doing.

He was serving one particular woman when something caught his attention.

One of the male guests was talking to Tatsuya. His face was so close to the other one's that even if he and Tatsuya were feet apart, Ryo can feel his uneasiness. The old man is caressing Tatsuya's face and kept on whispering to him and trying to brush his lips with Tatsuya's cheeks.

Ryo, although confused of why he's feeling that way, knows that he was going to lose his temper with the old man. His lips were shaking and his fist tightened. He was ready to walk towards the old man and punch him but he felt a hand on his shoulder stopping him from moving away.

"Relax, Ryo. Hold your temper. It won't be good if you make a scene." Yoko told him.

"I can't relax, Yoko. Can't you see what that old creep's doing to him? He's harassing Tatsuya." Ryo said. Yoko can feel the rage in his voice.

"I can see that but you know Hime-chan will do something if he thinks the old man is going overboard. He's tough and he can handle it. Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Just let me punch him once. I'll walk away after that." Ryo said.

"No, Ryo. Walk away now. I'll cover for your work. Calm yourself down at the kitchen." Yoko said.

He took Ryo's serving tray and let Ryo take a break. Before going back to the kitchen, Ryo gave a final glare to where Tatsuya and the old man were standing. Yoko patted his back and pushed him away.

"You know what, that butler's been giving me a bad look." The old man told Tatsuya.

"Butler? Which one?" Tatsuya asked.

"The one walking away." The old man said.

Tatsuya turned to see who the old man was referring to and he saw Ryo walking towards the kitchen as Yoko took his serving tray. He wondered what happened to Ryo.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The old man asked.

"What?" Tatsuya turned his head back but the old man's face was so close to his.

"I was asking if he's your boyfriend." The old man repeated.

"N--n-no." Tatsuya replied as the man inched his face closer.

"Don't!" Tatsuya said and the old man stopped and backed away.

"Good to hear you're not taken." The old man said and played with Tatsuya's hair.

"What do you mean, Naoto-sama?" Tatsuya asked nervously.

"I like you." Naoto-sama said.

Tatsuya froze as Naoto-sama gave an evil smile.

"I will see you at dinner, Hime-sama. A surprise will be waiting for you tonight." Naoto-sama said and he walked away from to Tatsuya to mingle with the other guests.

Tatsuya felt relieved that the old man finally left him alone. He felt uneasy when Naoto-sama was around. The rest of Kanjani continued serving the female guests as the maids did the same to the male. Tatsuya went back to work too but he kept thinking of Ryo who never bothered to show up again.

Lunch was finally over and the group was given some time to rest and explore the resort. Tatsuya who can't wear anything else aside from female clothes chose to stay in the cabanas and rest. He entered his and his sister's room and took off his shoes. He was about to take off his wig but decided not to as someone might just come and see him. He sat on the bench overlooking the sea at their balcony. He can see Kanjani and his sister walking bare footed on the beach and enjoying themselves. He counted the guys and realized Ryo was still missing. He fell in deep thought as to why Ryo walked out during lunch and what Naoto-sama meant by Ryo giving him a bad look. His heart rate fastened and all he can think about was Ryo. He closed his eyes and shook his head to take him out of his thoughts but it didn't work. Finally, he just decided to walk around to clear his mind.

On his way out of the cabana, he saw Ryo standing by the porch. Ryo was looking directly at him with his jet black eyes looking frustrated. Tatsuya decided to ignore and walk past him but before he can even take another step, Ryo grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the cabana.

"What the hell are you doing, Nishikido?!" Tatsuya asked as he struggled to get free from Ryo's hold.

"We need to talk." Ryo said as he continued to drag Tatsuya inside.

"I want to get some fresh air! Let go of me!" Tatsuya said as he pulled away from Ryo who took him back to his room.

Ryo did let go of him but he didn't let Tatsuya walk away. He immediately blocked Tatsuya's path and looked him in the eye.

"What's wrong with you?!" Tatsuya asked.

"I should be the one asking you that question!" Ryo said.

"I didn't do anything to you!"

"Why did you let that old man harass you?!"

Tatsuya couldn't say anything. He can believe Ryo was really angry because of what happened at lunch.

"I'm asking you! WHY?!" Ryo yelled.

"Why do you care? We're not even friends!"


Ryo paused and took a deep breath. He can't say the words he wanted to say.

"Because what?! Since when did you start caring? Especially about me? You hate me! We hate each other! Why are you---"

"FORGET IT! FORGET THIS HAPPENED!." Ryo said then stormed out of the room.

Tatsuya stood frozen in the room. He can't believe what just happened. He spent the rest of the afternoon feeling puzzled and thinking of Ryo.

Mizuki returned to their cabana after a few hours of spending time with Yoko. She found his younger brother in deep thought in the balcony and wondered if something bad happened.

"What's wrong, Tatsuya?" Mizuki asked.

Tatsuya made a little jump in surprise.

"Nee, don't scare me like that! How long have you been standing there?"

"I've been here for a while now. You would know if only you weren't spacing out. Did something happen? Tell me." Mizuki said.

"It's nothing. I'm fine. Just a little tired, I guess." Tatsuya lied. He can't tell his sister what happened between him and Ryo.

"You sure?"

"Yes, nee. I'm fine."

"If you say so. We better get ready. We need to be at the dinner hall in an hour." Mizuki said.

She grabbed a dress from her bag and handed it to Tatsuya.

"Go and change. I'll wait for you here so I can fix your hair."

Tatsuya took the dress and went to the bathroom to change. His outfit for that night was a victorian style dress. It had blue stripes and ribbons with floral prints.

Mizuki made the dress a week before their trip and had the help of Yoko in designing it. When Tatsuya came out, Mizuki asked him to sit in front of the mirror and placed a ponytailed wig on him.

"Are you ready?" Mizuki asked as she finished his make-up.

"Can I not do this if I say no?" Tatsuya asked.

Mizuki just smiled at his brother.

"Yup, you're ready. Let's go." Mizuki said.

All the other maids and the members of Kanjani8 were already in the dining hall when Mizuki and Tatsuya arrived. The maids wore an all-black doll dress while Kanjani8 wore their black butler suits to match them.

Tatsuya saw Ryo as soon as he walks inside the hall. The other man stood emotionless with the other guys and he looked away when he saw Tatsuya looking at him. A few minutes later, the guests arrived and they all begin their work.

The dinner went by smoothly. All guests were seated in groups of ten and they were served by the butlers and maids. Hime-sama was assigned to serve Naoto san's table and he felt uncomfortable while doing it. The old man kept on giving him lustful looks but he tried his best to ignore it.

When dinner ended, Kobayashi-san announced that the dance party can now be started. Free flowing drinks will be served all night. Everybody cheered and went on to party. The guests danced and got drunk. The men flirted with the maids and the women tried to get Kanjani8's attention. Naoto-san asked Hime-sama to stay with him and

Tatsuya obliged. He sat beside the old man watching him get drunk.

"We'll have a great time tonight, Hime-sama." Naoto-san said as he caressed Tatsuya's face.

"Naoto-san, I think you had enough drinks for the night." Tatsuya said.

"You think so? Well then, I better stop, huh?" Naoto-san said.

He grabbed Tatsuya's hands and pulled him off the seat.

"It's time to dance, Hime-sama." Naoto-san said as he dragged Tatsuya to the dance floor.

Naoto-san placed held Tatsuya closer to him and swayed to the music.

Ryo, who was serving some of the women, froze and watched as the old man and Tatsuya danced. Anger began to build up his system again and he tried his best not to explode.

With every sway, Naoto-san pulled Tatsuya closer and closer. All the other guests stopped what they were doing and watched them. Tatsuya felt nervous as Naoto-san began to kiss his neck. He tried to pull away but the old man had a tight hold on him.

"Naoto-san, please stop." Tatsuya said but the old man just continued what he was doing.

"I'm gonna kill him." Ryo said. He out down his tray and loosened his bow tie.

The other members of Kanjani saw him and they immediately ran to his side. Ohkura and Yasu held him back while Yoko tried to calm him down.

"Ryo, listen to me, relax. Let's think about this properly, okay?" Yoko said.

"Relax? You think I can fucking relax when I see that old man molesting hime?" Ryo said as he tried to break free from Ohkura and Yasu.

Just as he said that, Naoto-san began to kiss Tatsuya in the lips and Ryo saw how Tatsuya struggled to escape.

"That's it, I can't let this happen." Ryo said as he broke away from his friends' hold.

He ran to the dance floor, pulled the old man away from Tatsuya and punched him in the face.

"What the hell--" Naoto-san said as he nursed his bruised face.

Naoto-san's bodyguards began to surround Ryo and were ready to beat him up when the rest of Kanjani went to his rescue. A fist fight began between the butlers and the bodyguards and all the guests ran away from the hall. Tatsuya who was standing on the side didn't know what to do. Naoto-san approached him and grabbed his hand.

"You're coming with me." he told Tatsuya as he tried to drag him outiside the hall.

Tatsuya struggled and finally, he was able to push Naoto-san away. The old man let go of him and he ran away going towards the woods. As soon as he was able to stand up, Naoto-san ran after him.

Ryo saw what was happening and tried to come to Tatsuya's rescue but he was held back by one of the bodyguards. He gave the man a solid punch in the face then ran after Tatsuya and Naoto-san. He was able to catch up on the old man, pulled him back and sent him stumbling on the ground. Ryo wiped away the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth then grabbed the old man by the collar.


"Who are you to say that? Are you her boyfriend?"


Ryo punched Naoto-san in the gut and left him there writhing in pain. He ran around the woods searching for Hime-chan.

Tatsuya started to cry as he ran away from the old man. When he felt that no one was running after him, he stopped. All the bad things that happened to him that day came out through his tears. He looked around him and he once again felt afraid. He realized he was alone in the woods. Again. If there was something he's most afraid of, it was being alone in this kind of place. Ever since his mother abandoned him in the woods as a punishment for getting bad grades when he was young, he developed a phobia. Flashbacks of what happened before came through his mind and he started to break down. He covered his hears with his hands and cried.

Ryo finally found him and he immediately took him in his arms. Not knowing who it was, Tatsuya tried to push him away.

"No! Please! Stop it!" Tatsuya screamed as he struggled.

"Tatsuya! TATSUYA! IT'S ME, RYO!" The younger man said as he embraced Tatsuya tighter.

As soon as he heard him, Tatsuya stopped struggling. Ryo loosened his hold on him and looked him in the eye.

"Ryo...why are you? What are you doing" Tatsuya mumbled, tears falling down his cheeks.

"You're alright. I'm here." Ryo said as he hugged him again.

Tatsuya cried even more.

"Are you still scared?" Ryo asked.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you?"

"I'm not."

"You plan on teasing me for having another weakness, don't you? Tatsuya said in between sobs. "Damn it, just let go of me." He added.

"I won't. I'll be here until you calm down."

"What's that supposed to mean? Stupid midget!" Tatsuya said but he began to hug the other man back.

"EHHHH? What are you doing?!"

Tatsuya pushed Ryo away. Standing in front of them was Subaru and Ohkura. The older of the two looked like he just saw something heartbreaking.

"Oh my, could you not flirt in the middle of the woods?" Ohkura said.

"We were not flirting!" Tatsuya said as he stood up.

"So you're saying we're dumb, hime-chan? I know what I saw. " Ohkura said and smiled at Tatsuya.

"ACK! Does this mean you two are dating now?" SUbaru said, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

Ryo clicked his tongue and began to walk back to the cabanas

"NO, WE'RE NOT!!!" Tatsuya replied.

"Then why were you two hugging in the dark?" Subaru said, tears falling down his face.


"I'm heartbroken! I can't believe this!" Subaru said and started to walk away.

Ohkura patted Tatsuya's back.

"Just admit it already, you like him, don't you?" Ohkura said.


"'Coz I know Ryo-chan likes you. A LOT." Ohkura said then he bagan to walk back to the cabanas too.

Tatsuya stood frozen and thought about what Ohkura said. Is it true that Ryo likes him? And is he showing signs that he likes Ryo too? He was so confused with all the things going on around him and all the unkown feelings he has.

"Oi, Hime-sama, will you please hurry up? or do you want to be left alone in this place?" Ryo shouted.

Tatsuya looked around. He was standing alone in the middle of the woods then he saw Ohkura waving at him a few meters away.

"Let's go back, hime-chan! You're sister's waiting for us!" Ohkura shouted.

Tatsuya began walking up to them. When he caught up, he was walking side by side with Ryo as Ohkura and Subaru walked ahead of them. They were halfway through the woods when Tatsuya suddenly tripped. The other three checked on him and helped him stand up but it seems like he sprained his ankle.

"Stupid shoes." Tatsuya mumbled as he took them off.

"I'm guessing one of us needs to carry him back." Ohkura said.

"No, don't worry about it, I can walk." Tatsuya said. He tried to stand up but as expected, he fell again.

"Don't be stubborn, Ueda. I'll carry you." Ryo said.

He knelt on one knee beside Tatsuya.

"Come on, get on my back." Ryo said.

"Why can't Ohkura or Subaru carry me?" Tatsuya asked.

"Oh please, I hate carrying stuffs. Ossan here has a bad back and I think he's too heartbroken to carry someone right now." Ohkura said.

"Just get on my back, Ueda. It's not like we haven't done this before." Ryo said.

Tatsuya sighed. He threw his arms around Ryo's neck then Ryo stood up and held on the back of his thighs.

"Watch your hand, chibi!" Tatsuya said.

Ryo just smiled as he carried Tatsuya back to the cabanas.

A/NII: It's really been a while. I can feel that my writing skills are being rusty. I think it goes with the time. I'll be honest, I'm thinking of quitting writing fanfics in general. I have lots of plots and ideas in mind but I can't seem to put them into writing. I'm still thinking about it. Will all tell you what I come up with. :) here;s the pics of the outfits:'

1. Uebo hime's lunch outfit.

2. Kanjani8's lunch outfit

3. Maid's dinner outfit

4. Uebo-hime's dinner outfit

5. Kanjani8's dinner outfit. bonus coz Ryo's really wearing it. XD

the princess is a maid

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