you were my conscience, so solid, now you're like water.

Oct 29, 2011 21:48

At first I'd love to thank everyone who took some time to post a comment to my inspiration spam post. I loved the images you gave me and will definitely find good use for them, but for now I am just posting a batch with rather older icons I've made a few weeks ago before starting university.
I am hoping to create new icons with the images you gave me in a couple of days in order to update this community more often - probably with smaller batches than usual. However, I hope you'll enjoy this one. :)


001 Alona Tal
004 Drew Barrymore
007 Criminal Minds
002 Gilmore Girls
004 The Vampire Diaries these suck so bad
001 Kelly Clarkson
002 Alex Gaskarth
002 Hayley Williams
001 Lady Gaga

Alona Tal, Drew Barrymore

001 - 004

005 - 008

TV Shows
Criminal Minds, Gilmore Girls, The Vampire Diaries

001 - 004

005 - 008

009 - 012

013 - 016


001 - 004

005 - 008

» Comment if you take any of the graphics above. I always appreciate your honest opinion.
» Credit if you use any of the graphics above. Give other users the chance to find my graphics.
» Do not claim any of the graphics above as yours. If you like my graphics, ask me to write a tutorial for you.
» Do not hotlink any of the graphics above. Upload them to your own server, please.
» Friend/Join this community if you like the artwork that is presented here.


tv show: criminal minds, musician: alex gaskarth, tv show: the vampire diaries, musician: kelly clarkson, tv show: gilmore girls, musician: lady gaga, musician: hayley williams

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