10th challenge already going on ^___________^
so exciting, so but the 10th challenge is already around the corner
this time I chose EXCLUSION COLORING as the new challenge^^
If you do not know what is meant by that:
This kind of coloring archieves a colotone like this
in this two exaples you can recognize that there are different intensities used
so, like always
submisson example:
Jolin Tsai
http://i39.tinypic.com/28ai2x3.jpg so and if you do not know how that works, then isa has somthing great for you
to help ^^
a looooooooooong time ago I made my first tutorial, expalining this technique
it is actally really simple, that is why I could even make this tut hehe
the full view goes here
CLICKY ehhh...I need to tell that you can play with the blue tones, it must not be the same one
as I suggested, through the addition of diff blue tones on each icon, one archieves diff intensities
in the icon, like my example showed
well actually this chall is really simplre, since u are allowed to use ANYTHING,a ll u gotta do it to
add the simple exclusion layer on the top
that should be easy right?
Ireally hope i did not shock, and there will be at least some participants, it may look harder than in
fact it really is!
and do not forget 30th June is the deadline for the Mod applications~~~~~~~~~^^
isa ~