(no subject)

Dec 24, 2004 22:51

Tomorrow morning I get to fly to Los Angeles. My grandfather turned 90 earlier this month, and his daughters wanted to throw him a party, but they decided to delay it until after finals, which I thought was super nice of them. So I'll be celebrating Xmas in 65 degree, sunny weather, and then the next day going to a huge Italian-American party with all sorts of relatives I either don't like, don't remember, or have never met (the exceptions being my two aunts, my grandfather and my parents). I'm sort of hoping that my mom's lesbian cousin is there, or that I get into some sort of big fight with my mom's Bible-thumping cousins from Atlanta. They're the black sheep of the family, not me - in a lapsed Catholic family, they're extremely devout Protestants who are moving to India soon to set up a mission. Oh yeah, and their daughter my age is studying theology at Princeton, and is having a hard time because for the first time ever she's around people who drink. She's 24, for crying out loud. Talk about sheltered.

My sleep schedule's been screwy recently, and I don't see it changing in the near future. Because of finals I never had to be anywhere til 1:30 (more on that later), so I generally slept from 3 to 11 or 12, which was awesome. Then yesterday I drove up, planning on napping, but I failed because of traffic. I went out to dinner with high school friends, some of whom (Lori, Gurkie) I see a lot, but others (Aashoo, May) not so much. I then came back to my place, made plans for the night with UVA people (luke2k and dream2k2), then promptly took a nap at 9 PM. Woke up, showered, drove to Franconia for the first time, then went to Apex for college night, which was rough at first but ended up being ok once I got over myself and into a Southern Comfort & Cranberry. I generally like my clubs extremely drunken or extremely cool musically, and this was neither. Plus I don't cope well with huge quantities of generically good-looking, generically dressed types, for various insecurities that you either know already or don't need to know. Anyhow I had an ok time, but it was vaguely amusing that Adrienne and I were semi-checking out the same guys...esp. the one who resembled her ex-boyfriend.

Exams finished on the 22nd, which blew. The exams weren't as hard as I'd anticipated, but that might just be because I remained unnaturally calm during exam week. You all know I'm prone to worrying fits, yet finals did not stress me out much at all, except to take away my appetite. The first exam was Civil Procedure, which went the most smoothly (thank you, Prof. Rutherglen). Then came Torts, which was absurd as I finished in 90 minutes having only writte 5 1/2 pages as there were no issues and only one fact pattern! Third was Criminal Law, which I thought was ok, despite my classmates freaking out about it afterwards. Unfortunately, my last exam kicked my ass, and I'm kinda pissed at the professor for misleading us with the sample exam, and because he didn't show up to the exam, despite having sent us a smarmy email the day before chastising those of us who didn't ask him enough questions during the semester. As if they would have helped us on an exam that didn't address half of the substantive issues raised in class. I get my grades in February, btw.

Next Thursday I'm going to see VNV Nation with aparna and ninevrise and several others. Then Friday is New Year's in Baltimore, which should be interesting. The apartment is awesome, and has an amazing view, and two really nice beds. And three chairs. And nothing else. So if I end up having a party there, we're going to be sitting on the floor, or perhaps the air mattress can be inflated and we'll sit on it. Um, what else...probably Scissor Sisters concert at the 9:30 Club on the 12th, Depeche Mode party at the Black Cat on the 14th (unless I'm in Charlottesville), Dollhouse (Goth) or Mousetrap (Brit-pop) at the Black Cat (7th and 8th, respectively), a trip to NC is hopefully in the works...this is going to be a good break!

And then when I get back, I may be dating someone. Unfortunately I'm still not sure what happened right before break - there wasn't anything physical, but we went to Bang! (date restaurant), hung out at my place for a few hours, and regularly exchange texts, especially when we've been drinking. The problem is that he's just coming out and extremely gregarious by nature, so it may just be that he wants friends and doesn't realize that his behavior may be indicating otherwise. We'll see.
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