Sep 25, 2007 04:53
I don't know why I even wanted the game.
I have 50 other games for the Xbox 360, most of which, are a lot better then Bungie's latest excuse for a first person shooter. I'm of course referring to the atrocity that is Halo 3. I don't have a job right now, and I don't go to school, so in my infinite mind of wisdom, thought it'd be a neat idea to wait for the midnight release of a title I purchased by flipping clearance games I didn't want. I also thought it'd be a great idea to record a podcast episode while doing this. I'm frankly scared to attempt to go through the four hours of audio I managed to randomly record.
I managed to be the first one to wait in line/pre-buy the game/grab the game/gtfo.
Doing so wasn't even close to being fun. See, I was fired from Gamestop (this exact store too) back in February, by the District Manager. The employees there basically have free-roam to piss me off, including the bitch-with-balls known as Jessica, who originally stole my position and sucked earned her way to assistant manager, because they know I can't really complain, which is bullshit in it's own little world, but whatever, I just have a way of naturally pissing them off by me being there in their presence.
Anyways, I was constantly annoyed by the manager, Richard, about my recording. I did not bring anything fancy. I brought my iPod (with Rockbox) and a microphone connected to said iPod. He kept unplugging the microphone from the iPod and basically gave me hell (when does he not).
The 2 kids who sat next to me gave me enough problems too, as they were together, they would save their seat. They would also save the seat for the 4th guy in line. But me however, nooo... they didn't give a fuck about me, they said I'd lose my spot if I moved. I ended up pissing like a monkey when I got home.
Shortly after the line started forming, while it was daylight, this fucking spic bitch comes over and starts talking shit to us, more jokingly to the 2 kids next to me, but just hating me just because I'm me. By the way, they managed to leave for a good 2-3 HOURS and they still had their spot saved!
Okay so when I do get home, I open the game and the manual is already fucked up in the corner, and if anyone knows me, that kind of shit pisses me off. So I start playing the game, and the first game reminded me of why I hate the Halo series so much -- the game is so goddamn slow. A friend later invites me in his game, and all his friends want to do is goddamn Team SWAT. For those unfamilar to the horrible game, Team SWAT gives you 2 crappy guns, no grenades, no ways to pick up ammo/exchange weapons, and no vehicle/item usage. I sit and mindlessly "play" for 2 hours before attempting Campaign on Legendary. I easily get half way thru the level, with checkpoints every 3.76 seconds of gameplay, and then I'm fucking cornered after my last checkpoint, of this guy I've never seen before, attacking me with fucking rockets, and I have these crappy guns that don't kill him, and then I shut off the retarded game.
In other news, the level cap of the Call of Duty 4 beta is being lifted to 25, from 16, on Friday at 1pm EST, which will last until the beta ends on Sunday. COD4 is a REAL FPS game. Halo 3 is a bunch of kiddie bullshit. Game blows.