Hello look at my handsome (male) bestfriend I've picked a picture you look hottest in ;)
Where do I start, I don't know how to say this but thank you so much thank you for appearing outside my house when you know I'm unhappy when you know I cannot sleep when you know I want to see you in your uniform accompanying me for smokes for coffees for pratas for my black menthols for removing the flower on the car for being my friend. I don't know what you see in me I disappoint you almost all the time for being 'anyhow' for not calling you for not being there for not knowing when you're upset for typing '-.-' more than I say anything when I talk to you on msn or through texts. I know I still cannot safely say "after all we've been through" because you've definitely stoop up for me more than I have for you and trust me I am more guilty than anything whats worse is you are more awesome than ever (:
Siddiq Poh jipusai, happy 20th and I promise I will be a better friend.
I love you (and thats an understatement :D)