Aug 29, 2004 08:23
i am heavy
i am weighed down with rocks
each one tied to me somewhere, attached
and i drag them around all day long
i come home and they sleep with me at night
i have no other choice
they are always with me
always slowly bringing piles of earth along with us
i could paint them
create pictures and images
that would bedazzle any soul that
looked upon them
but they would still just be rocks
holding me to the earth
more and more of them gather
it seems an odd collection to have
but i did not choose this
the weight the rocks bring
is a cold comforting relief
a physical reminder of every
worry and pain i carry.
the rocks will not keep me up at night
they will not cause my chest to heave
as i gasp for air uncontrollably.
the rocks do nothing but follow
coming along on the journey.
save keeping them for a rainy day