Apr 06, 2004 15:00
Right now, I'm not in the great-est of moods...
I had a weird feel-ing all day to-day.
Alix a-gain, I'm not mad at you, I nev-er would be. <3333
I'm go-ing to be clean-ing my room a lot to-day...
Throw-ing a-way most of it....
I am per-tic-ular-ly hap-py that I am a-ble to room with Court-ney Za-pat-a and Faith Mc-kinnon for Chor-us / Or-lan-do trip.... I love those gir-ls... Hope-ful-ly ev-ery-thing will be al-right con-cern-ing Court-ney and I... I think it will be just dand-y.
Yeah, so, I guess I will go for now.
Good After-noon.