Consider this something of a public service announcement. For the majority of you, it's already Friday. Which means, quite simply that you might recall the days when there used to be flail. Over a year ago,
fandom_bitches created a tradition for the fangirls to flail. IN CAPSLOCK.
About random things, and cabbages and kings. But really, it was a way for everyone to get to know each other better. In hopes of inspiring said desire to flail and be friendly, we're hosting a Flail Friday over at
teamcolonialone. No, we're not telling you this so you'd think you weren't invited.
The post is open and we'd love to see you all there. Consider it like a Free For All Friday at
ohnotheydidnt. Capslock is suggested. Having fun is required. If you trash talk other teams, make sure it's in good fun. Because really, we all know Colonial One will still pwn all. Because that is how we roll. Rocking it Presidential style. (OOOOOH YEAH).
In any case, FLAIL, KIDDOS!!! FLAIL!!!! PS. That part right before this one? That was a link.
Also, here.