Site updated yet again! Two new projects up on the Projects page, along with associated links and stuff for them. A lot of those projects are looking kind of bare... All text and no pictures... Say, you know what would be great? If monkeys participated in the Projects and took photos to be posted on the site! Gee whiz, that'd be swell.
A bunch of new images up as well, including the one you see above which is for site news posts such as this one.
Still no overwhelming response on whether or not to upload a forum. Any ideas for new projects, any at all, post them below. Once registration/login is up and running i'll go through each project and give credit to the author/inspiration of each. Meantime, keep things running here in this community. See a news story thats full of bullshit? Tell your fellow monkeys. Know an issue group activity can help solve? Tell your fellow monkeys. Got an idea for change within the group? Tell your fellow monkeys. Thats what this army is for, changing the world for the better of the people. That and causing mischief through pranks and subversiveness. So get active, get posting, recruit some new members, and go nuts.
Thats all i've got this time 'round. This has been another post brought to you by the Twelve Monkey Army, whos current resources total some rope, some fans, an exit sign and a website, but shall one day span the globe and be able to change governments. And remember, if God didnt want you to play with it so much, He wouldnt have made it feel so good.
-Seeker out