(no subject)

Jun 16, 2006 20:12

Reflections on 10th grade:

Euro-  I enjoyed this class more than I ever expected to.  It was one of the few periods I had people to talk to, and I actually learned things.  Whether or not they will be useful in real life remains questionable, but if I ever go on a gameshow I'm bound to get a the European History questions correct.  Maybe.  I'm really glad Sal was in my class because otherwise we would probably never be friends.  I hope I get Mr. Dailey for PIG.  Oh yeah, and all you taking non-AP American History suck.  I hope I got a 5 on the AP Test.

Study Hall- This was a complete waste of my time.  It did prevent my math average from sinking considerably low though, as I generally got a little homework done.  I am so glad I will never have to deal with Ms. K again.  She is a freak.

Physics- All in all I'm glad I took this as I really did learn quite a bit, but I feel like I would have done better if it wasn't 3rd period.  I always get so exhausted 3rd period!  I'm glad its over though, because I felt like I had to actually do my homework to prove that I was worthy to take this.  Who the hell am I kidding I did fine- I got 100s on almost every test and whatnot.  I'm worried about the regents though.  I feel guilty I havn't so much as looked at physics since the last day of classes.  I will pay for this.  I still want a 100.

Math- My average would have been so much higher if I had done my homework every night, but I DON'T CARE.  Mrs. Morand was okay but I don't feel like I learned as much as I could have with a different teacher.  She went so slowly that I could literally pay attention for the first 2 minutes of class and then go on to read whatever English book we were reading for the remaining 38 and I would still get high 90s on the tests.  This class was boring.  I did have some decent discussions with Azra about House and American Idol.

Spanish- These were the worst forty minutes of my day.  The IQs of my teacher and classmates combined wouldn't top 100.

English- Mrs. Boggs is a piece of shit.  She is completely oblivious to the meaning of any type of literature and she grades so unfairly.  If you were a better writer, she would grade you tougher, if you were weaker, she would still give you 90s.  If I ever get her as a teacher again I will transfer to a different class before you can say piece of shit.

Lunch- Once Sal came down and sat at Lauren and my end of the table lunch was hilarious.  It was hilarious before.  I'm really glad they were in my period.  I like recycling at lunch.

Gym- was a waste of time.

Chem- If the combined IQ of my Spanish class couldn't top 100, that of my Chem class couldnt top 60.  I can honestly say I've never been in a room filled with so many dumb people before.

Other: I enjoyed the play a TON.  I can't wait for next year.  I liked E too I guess except for the meetings.  I'm glad this year is over after three more exams.
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