1. So, yesterday night I was writing, but as my APUSH textbook only knew too well (and too right it did, that utterly boring-ass thing that it was), I have this unseemly penchant for falling asleep on my desk, right over what I'm reading/writing on. This time I woke up an hour later, in a pool of my own drool which spilled across not only my desk, but my papers as well.
Story of my life.
2. My flist has positively erupted in OH NOES over current TRC spoilers which rival the utter WTFery of chapter 120. It's pretty sad. (What happened and is still happening to Fay, that is, not the state of my flist. Though that's sad too. XD *is shot*) I myself took a look at the spoilers when I had juuust woken up Saturday morning--and for the rest of the day I sort of walked around looking like a zombie and listening to horrifyingly emo music. I think by now I've recovered enough to trust myself to make a post about what I wanted to say about this, because hell, you people did not want to see me try and talk right after I had just read what I had read, anyway. This sentiment of relative zen will all go to hell soon enough tomorrow when actual scans and translations of the chapter come out, so I figure now is as good a time as any to offer up my two cents while I'm still functional coherent.
- Floored. Utterly, unbelievably floored.
Oh, Fay.
- I always kind of just assumed that Fay's past was something which he never really got over. Little did we know that it's something which never really ended to begin with.
- What Sakura says to Fay in the beginning of the final match ("Please value yourself more") is a request that will most probably be a very long time in coming to fruition now, if ever. I'm inclined to think he might call Kurogane on that promise of his, but on the other hand, there are more pressing matters whose denouement require attention first. We'll have to wait and see. (Or, if you're as Gankutsuou-obsessed as I am: Wait... and hope!! *is shot*) Of course, the part of me that isn't reacting to this like an emotional fangirl and more like someone with a bit of common sense and rationality believes that Fay isn't going to die, if only because there's too much of an emphasis on him living, on Kurogane saving his sorry ass, on him discovering real happiness and being "taken away", to let that all go to waste. Then again, it's hard to tell with CLAMP. As hard as it is to admit it, they have been known to be a fan of their characters' pointless deaths.
That is really all I'm going to say about the matter! Cos I'm am not up to making emo wangst posts like I did right after the poor bastard got his eye eaten. :/ It's not that I'm above my love for Fay--but I am above being reduced to a gibbering mass of nerves or tears when I know more shit has yet to still hit the fan still have to be strong for the upcoming chapters, rawr!! D:<
Also, another reason for my surprising (and near heretical) zen: I am practicing self-preservation. Gaspshock.
SELF-PRESERVATION TACTIC NO. 89: ART OF DEFLECTION. When your favorite character or OTP threatens to be on the receiving end of an unfortunate unhappy ending, plz to be diverting your attention to the (very few) characters or OTPs which have ended happily and fawn over them with all the reserve of someone very deep in denial over recent fandom happenings--kthx.
I--I spent the rest of the weekend coveting Rosiel/Katan. GUILTY PLEASURE MUCH??
3. D00d, the Jigoku Shoujo OST is tight. Especially lovely is the track 'Jigoku no Kawa Nagare' which plays when Enma Ai ferries those poor unfortunate souls to hell. I--I have a secret theory that she enjoys their bloodcurdling screams (though I could just be self-projecting? ahahaha XDDDD). She's like the bastard lovechild! Between Emily the Strange and Yuuko, that is.
Another random thought: Haruhi and Tsukushi need to sit down, have tea, and discuss how much they love hate their dumbass male entourage which follows their respective persons around like stray dogs, Y/N? But don't look at me, I already have that Hunny & Momiji cross-over I have yet to write. Not that I'm actually doing that of course. Oh no. Not me.