First thing first, happy belated birthday
islette!! Much love for you~ <33
...I'm not impressed.
I suppose it's dominatrix!Sakura that bothers me the most. What, she was finally able to pull a little of her own weight in the Acid Tokyo arc so now all of a sudden she pwns all? That's more than a little jarring, more than a little incongruous, even taking into consideration that it has been three months since Acid Tokyo. The change in Sakura's demeanor is, as they say, too little, too late. She's not the healthy girl we knew in CCS who we were able to perceive as beautiful and warm because she was happy (for me, I thought it was her genuine happiness that made her beautiful), and now I think CLAMP might be overcompensating for her previous chronic underdevelopment. And since CLAMP has long since been nursing this delicate princess complex, I think keeping up or reading TRC for Sakura is pretty much useless. (Well I don't care for that side of things anyway. Or at least I try not to. I just want to know where things are going concerning Fay~)
Speaking of which. I am probably the only one on this side of fandom who hates the ponytail? WHY IS IT EVEN THAT LONG. DDDD: Oh god. Get it trimmed, please, I so hope that's not a permanent thing. (I'm being shallow about Fay's looks, but I can't hide my grimace, sorry.) Though on the other hand, he's never looked gayer in an outfit before. Gayer. Gayer than gay. PRETTY DAMN GAY. XO
Also, I disliked how Eagle was drawn. What the hell. Part of the allure of getting into TRC was that it was a "shounen" manga (though it's my personal belief that the idea of CLAMP actually succeeding to make a true shounen manga is laughable XP), so I expect the art to fully reflect that. WHERE ARE THE HARD LINES? THE BRASHNESS? THE SPANK? ANGELIC LAYER HAD MORE SPINE, DAMMIT. And that wasn't a quarter as dark and gloomy as TRC is now.
...Between CLAMP never explicitly revealing how Fay feeds and them revealing it in such a way as to make it clear that there's nothing subtextual about it, that it's done by Kurogane cutting himself and draining the blood in mugs and leaving it for Fay later on, I'd much rather prefer the former kthnx. It's much less crueler (to the fans, that is XD). We like to, ah, extrapolate on how the feeding is done (viz., direct contact, a bite at the neck).
But we all know I'm just bitter because I was all "ZOMG. ALICE IN WONDERLAND? :DDD" when I saw the white rabbit and CLAMP was all "Bitch, no! As if." Whaaaaat's new anyway.
I love
this DVD cover badly, though. I am appeased somewhat! The beast that hungers in me has been quelled! Etc. (I mean. It's so overtly gay and OT3 at the same time and and I could die of happiness. It's just. The things that are said. The things that have not been said. Things done. Blood exchanged. Wishes granted. Contracts made. Contracts forged. Relationships building. Crossing boundaries, entering a shop you were forbidden from entering before. I've been owned.)
holiday cards if you want and haven't already asked. If not this weekend, I'll be picking them out next, so please be quick and just jot your name down already~ You know you want to.