Oct 29, 2006 22:58
1. Spent all day reading chapters 1-4 of Angela's Ashes (equal to about 130 pages). And all I have to say is... Jesus, chapter 4. My love knows no bounds. *_______* I think it must've taken me twenty extra minutes to get through it because I kept cracking up so many times. When was the last time I laughed so hard? This chapter made my heart fucking swell, adljfa'ldjfal;. *dead* I love how Mikey's dad calls his son Cyclops ("Don't worry, Cyclops. You have loads of time." HA HA <333), that part about how the priest at the confession box laughs at poor Frankie, and OH YES THIS:
He tells us we have to be careful to stick out our tongues far enough so that the Communion wafer won't fall to the floor. He says, That's the worst thing that can happen to a priest. If the wafer slides off your tongue that poor priest has to get down on his two knees, pick it up with his own tongue and lick the floor around it in case it bounced from one spot to another. The priest could get a splinter that would make his tongue swell to the size of a turnip and that's enough to choke you and kill you entirely.
(I shouldn't have laughed so fucking hard during that passage, but damn. Damn. My icon actually makes sense for once.)
ABOVE ALL, what tops this chapter? THE OBVIOUS RPS, OHOHOHO.
I quote:
I think Paddy likes me because of the raisin and I feel a bit guilty because I wasn't that generous in the first place. The master, Mr. Benson, said the government was going to give us the free lunch so we wouldn't have to be going home in the freezing weather. He led us down to a cold room in the dungeons of Leamy's School where the charwoman, Nellie Ahearn, was handing out the half pint of milk and the raisin bun. The milk was frozen in the bottles and we had to melt it between our thighs. The boys joked and said the bottles would freeze our things off and the master roared, Any more of that talk and I'll warm the bottles on the backs of yeer heads. We all searched our raisin buns for a raisin but Nellie said they must have forgotten to put them in and she'd inquire from the man who delivered. We searched again every day till at last I found a raisin in my bun and held it up. The boys started grousing and said they wanted a raisin and Nellie said it wasn't her fault. She'd ask the man again. Now the boys were begging me for the raisin and offering me everything, a slug of their milk, a pencil, a comic book. Toby Mackey said I could have his sister and Mr. Benson heard him and took him out to the hallway and knocked him around till he howled. I wanted the raisin for myself but I saw Paddy Clohessy standing in the corner with no shoes and the room was freezing and he was shivering like a dog that had been kicked and I always felt sad over kicked dogs so I walked over and gave Paddy the raisin because I didn't know what else to do and all the boys yelled that I was a fool and a feckin' eejit and I'd regret the day and after I handed the raisin to Paddy I longed for it but it was too late now because he pushed it right into his mouth and gulped it and looked at me and said nothing and I said in my head what kind of an eejit are you to to be giving away your raisin.
Oh, Frankie. You can be *my* eejit anytime. *_________*
Great chapter. I'm starting to really like this book.
2. Plowing (?) through TRC. Whut. I know! Even when I skim read it takes a long, long while. (I have that penchant of ogling at artwork for something like fifteen minutes a page ha!ha! =_=) Started sometime yesterday and I'm now up to volume 2, but I don't have time to be doing this, but I really want to stay on top of things re: Fye. <33 So, uh. Right. I think that my ability to read manga closely has been pretty much dismantled--nowadays, whenever I want to familiarize myself quickly with a series, I just watch the anime version since I too lazy to be pouring over manga panels. >:E It's really dumb of me, but I tried to read NANA closely and I failed--no, really. I got up to page 72.
Skimming it is. (Maybe this way there's some hope for One Piece and Bleach, too.)
book reviews,
tsubasa reservoir chronicle