Finished up with watching the first season of The X-Files. There's nothing really spoilery about what I'm going to say, so screw LJ cuts.
milchstrasse, you were right about that freak from "Squeeze" (1003) coming back. I didn't think he would make a reappearance so early, though. Really, in the same season? Consequently, I thought "Squeeze" and "Tooms" (1021) were two of the scariest episodes in the whole season. That man is fucking freaky, okay, adlfkjdk. With his glowing green eyes and shit.
Plus, he totally looked like a girl in that uniform.
Random notes: I like how Deep Throat thinks Scully is an idiot. That was pretty funny.
Scully is like the Hermione of X-Files. It's kind of hard to keep from wanting to slap her sometimes. I tell myself that it would be a shame to slap such a pretty face as Gillian Anderson's. For a Catholic, Scully has zero faith. How ironic! So far she's remained doggedly skeptical, but I have hope that she'll grow a little more open-minded still.
It would be a stretch to say that Mulder is like the Luna of X-Files, though. XD;