(no subject)

Mar 25, 2017 10:13

I think I've been over sleeping, because lately I'm just so warn out. Today though, I woke up at 9 by instinct, and instead of going back to bed I stayed up and I feel so much more awake now, but we'll see as the day goes on.
Anyways, todays makes it SIX months since my dad passed away. So were going out to breakfast then going to see this stone and tree that is planted at Hamilton in memorey of him. Which is really thoughtful and nice. I never realized how apperently known he was, well by the schoool atleast. But it's really nice.
I miss him so much. Yeah, I realllly miss him. And not one day goes by that I dont realize how much I wish my dad was still here. There's things though, that make it not so hard.
andddd lifegoeson.
SO, I got a tatoo, and I reallly like it. I'm happy I got it, and happy to be stuck with it forever. :)
lala,anyways went to my first funeral, so sad. I'll definetly miss (Bobby's Grandpa) Homer.
My goodnews though. All my injuries from this last week are begining to slowly get better. I'm back to full pace walking.HA

How'd this get so long?

They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.-Andy Warhol
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