wow, almost 4 months, another post!

Aug 18, 2004 22:28

wow, so today was different. i just got done working for 40 straight hours. last night, a typhoon decided to come to town, while we were peir side. usually we leave for those, cause we can handle it out at sea, but for some reason, they decided to stay in port. the winds were 100+mph (50-60 knots) so we were blowing all over the place. the worst thing about being in port durring that, is the lines that hold you to the peir. these things are made out of nylon, and can stretch to 170% of their actual length, but more then that, they snap, with deadly force! this thing is 9 inches in diameter too, so you can imagine how big it is. anyways, the wind is blowing like crazy, and our lines are busting left and right, so were putting out more and more lines. well, i was putting this one down on the deck (faking it down) and right then, the big 9 inch line busted not more then two feet infront of me. the way these lines break if they are stretched like that is like a rubber band, they will break, and snap back to their origional possition. so if you are standing within 6 feet of it, youre either dead or lucky. i was one of the lucky ones, this thing flew back right past me, and hit the other end of the ship. when i heard it break, i dove to the ground. i was so glad not to get hit, cause a line that big will obsinerate whatever part of the body it hits. a friend of mine knew this guy that got hit in the legs, and knocked him off at the knees. and since i was bending over, if it was whiping around, or broke in a different spot, it would of hit me right in the head. so thank you very much who ever might of been praying for me at that moment, you saved my life. but after we fixed that line and threw out another one, it was about 11pm, and we had been working on this since 2pm. we had to stay on station (sleep up there, so we could be available if another broke) but i drank so much damn coffee, i couldnt of slept if i wanted to, so i stayed up on watch. i stayed up there and watched the lines, and made sure nothing snapped until about an hour ago 9pm, on the next day! talk about one long work day, im so tired right now, i can barely see straight.
so, thats one of my great sea stories ill be telling when im 80 to my grandchildren, hope you enjoyed :)
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