(no subject)

Feb 28, 2010 21:51

I went out last night & a 49385724-year-old man wearing an "I eat pussy like a fat kid eats cake" t-shirt tried to chat me up. This is such a weird town sometimes.

And despite having only a few drinks, I came home more outrageously sick than I've been in a very long time. I had a lot of time to kneel and ponder how so little alcohol could have made me so ill. It was during one of these moments that I remembered the smoked salmon I'd had for lunch, and I asked myself some difficult questions about when I'd purchased it. I thought it was just last weekend, but I think it was actually the weekend before, and it's been stored in my mom's fridge with the dodgy seal around the door. I think I may have identified the source of my tummy troubles.

I finally managed to keep a few sips of water down at about 3pm, so I had a shower (read: sat in the bath with the shower on) and went to collect Isobel from Mom's house. My outlook has improved slightly over the course of the day, but I still feel a bit delicate. I could cheerfully murder someone for a Coke right now though.

Ah well. Onward and upward, or something. I absolutely must get the oil changed & get my passport photos taken tomorrow since I couldn't get out on Friday. And the quilting group is finally meeting tomorrow night after about a month of cancellations due to weather, and we're supposed to be assembling the top for the community quilt so I daren't miss it. Early start then, I guess. Bother.
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