Dec 14, 2004 13:08
Thank god this semester is almost over!! I only have two finals, so that is awesome. I took my Probability final yesterday and did my Content Lit portfolio. Probability final took me 4 HOURS, what the crap is that!!! And I still skipped some stuff that I didn't know how to do. I only have my US History final on Friday now, and that should be pretty easy. Next semester I am only taking 12 credits of classes, and possibly have a job in the math lab, so thats good. I also have Friday's off so I could possibly work at Dunkin more too. Money is a good thing, and I need more of it.
I am going to be so busy the next couple weeks. I have to work Saturday, and have a work Christmas party to go to, work Sunday, and then have dinner at my Nana's, then I have no idea how many other days I am working next week, probably 5 because they love me there :) I am more then likely working Christmas Eve, and apparently we are staying open until 6pm that day, FUCKING DUMB! I think that I am going to take my paid vacation the week of Jan. 2 to the 8. And I have my cousin's wedding on the 31 and the 1 that I am staying the night in Bangor for. wooo wooo.... not really
Ok, I am going to go chill with Michelle for a while, and help her with the content lit portfolio thingy.