because i'm still at work and that is crap...

Sep 22, 2005 19:44

LJ Interests meme results

  1. autumn:
    why... because of the beautiful colours and the chance to wear more and more layers as it gets colder. plus no hayfever.
  2. ben folds five:
    i really used to like ben folds five a lot- perhaps i should update my live journal interests?
  3. donnie darko:
    i still think this movie is great...i even have it on dvd
  4. green tea icecream:
    this just might be my favourite flavour of ice cream. you can buy it in many different forms in japan.
  5. late breakfasts:
    there isn't such a "late breakfast" culture in tokyo unless you like sandwiches. i eat a lot of brunch these days.
  6. marios cafe:
    it's an old art cafe on bruswick street. i haven't been there for nearly 2 years. the waiters were always nice to me.
  7. ninety-nine:
    they're a melbourne band. i am not sure if they are still together now/perform
  8. peach iced tea:
    i discovered this in europe and liked it...
  9. red wine:
    still my favourite type of alcohol. white wine usually gives me asthma and it takes me about an hour to drink one beer.
  10. tea:
    i was a coffee person for a while but eventually it makes my heartbeat funny. i always seem to come back to trusty ol' tea.

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