Could it be...?

Dec 15, 2005 23:08

I'm sitting in my apartment, in the glow of Christmas lights and candles with Christmas music playing in the background and I'm finally feeling more in the holiday spirit. It's about time considering Christmas is only about a week away. I've just been too ridiculously busy and exhausted to really get into it this year. This was the first time in what feels like a long long time that I've actually been home. I've been so busy with work and more work and family stuff that I haven't had much time to just sit at home. Of course I didn't just sit around and do nothing (which might have been nice) but at least I was finally able to get some things done that I've been wanting to. And I did watch tv and relax for a bit which was nice. Since then I've been listening to Christmas CDs all nite. I finally finished decorating around my apartment for Christmas. Yay! I've been trying to figure out what Christmas gifts I still need to get. I done with my nieces but I still have no clue what to get my parents or brother and sister-in-law. If I can't come up with anything by next week some kind of gift certficates will do. Finally got to the sinkload of dishes that have been accumulating. But the best part of my day is that I asked to use two of my vacation days for next week, so on Monday and Tuesday at least I won't have to work during the day! I am so happy about that! Now all I have to do is find out my schedule tomorrow to see which nites I have to work. But at the very least I'll be able to sleep in, which makes me oh so happy. Speaking of sleeping...I should go and finish up a few more things before I need to head in for the nite and pass out. Happy Week Before Christmas all!
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